What I would like to do is something like this:

<-4   255:255:255
-4    0:0:0
-3    1:1:1
-2    2:2:2
-1    3:3:3
 0    4:4:4
>0    255:255:255

I tried to do this way, but it doesn't seem to  be the right way

thank you again

Alberto Pettazzi

MeteoGalicia - Departamento de Climatología y Observación

Consellería de Medio Ambiente e Desenvolvemento Sostible

Área Central, Local: L-31-C. Polígono de Fontiñas

15703 Santiago de Compostela. A Coruña

Teléfono: +34-981-957463


Daniel Victoria escribió:
I don't think I understand your problem very well. To set color rules
for any value, all you have to do is write them on your rule. It does
not matter if the values on your color rules goes above or bellow the
values on the map.


2008/12/10 Alberto Pettazzi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
ok guys,

I have set a rule for r.colors such as:

-4    0:0:0
-3    1:1:1
-2    2:2:2
-1    3:3:3
 0    4:4:4

but how can I set the rule for values less than -4 and greater than 0??

thank you as usual,

Alberto Pettazzi

MeteoGalicia - Departamento de Climatología y Observación

Consellería de Medio Ambiente e Desenvolvemento Sostible

Área Central, Local: L-31-C. Polígono de Fontiñas

15703 Santiago de Compostela. A Coruña

Teléfono: +34-981-957463


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