Thanks - centroids did the trick.

I don't know what else I did to make me think approach 3 worked.  You
of course are correct, it doesn't work.   How do you know which
commands will work from the lower window of GIS.m, and which commands
will not work from that window?

On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 3:49 AM, Moritz Lennert
<> wrote:
> On 14/01/09 02:51, Matt wrote:
>> I've installed the MS-Windows version 6.3.0 on a Vista machine along
>> with the NC datafiles.  Page 170 of Neteler and Mitasova gives the
>> example
>> d.vect -c census_wake2000 disp=shape,attr attrcol=FIPSSTCO siz=5
>> lcol=black.
>> It seems to me there are at least 3 ways to do this, and I can only
>> get one of them to work.  Any suggestions on why approaches 2 and 3
>> below don't work (at least for me)?
>> 1) If I click the "Add command layer" icon of GIS Manager and type the
>> example, it seems to execute properly.
>> 2) If instead I click the "Add vector layer" icon of GIS Manager and
>> try to fill in/select the proper commands, I can't get the labels to
>> appear.  Major settings are:
>>   Vector map: census_wake2...@permanent
>>   Display: Shapes  Points  Lines  Boundaries  Areas
> [...]
>> Why do the labels not appear on the map?
> You also have to display centroids as attributes (and thus labels) are
> linked to centroids.
>> Lastly
>> 3) Typing the example into the bottom window of GIS.m and press ing
>> the run button, the color map appears in the Map Display 1 window, but
>> there are no labels,
> I find it surprising that you can actually display the map that way. I don't
> think that should be possible.
> Moritz
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