
On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 10:35 AM, Vincent Bain <> wrote:
> Hello,
> Compiling grass64 on Ubuntu Hardy for 64bit system, I got this error
> when running v.digit under wxpython interface :
> /usr/local/lib/ undefined symbol: Py_InitModule4
> Already pointed in this thread
> but I can't catch any solution in the links proposed by Markus.
> Does anyone have a solution ? or should I give up on my 64bit
> architecture ?

No need to give up on 64bit, I am using it like many others here.

Please post the result of
file /usr/local/lib/

I get
/usr/local/lib/ symbolic link to

As you see it links to the 64bit version of

Perhaps you linked the 32bit version?

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