
Glynn wrote:
> I can't comment on GDAL/OGR issues, but the display library will
> accept data in any encoding recognised by iconv[1] when using FreeType
> fonts. You just need to specify the encoding via the charset= option.
> [1] Provided that GRASS was built to use iconv(); this is
> autodetected. Otherwise, text is treated as ISO-8859-1.

Jana wrote:
> That's correct Glynn, I've just tested that. The trick is as simple as to
> use *Truetype* font and set charset to the encoding used in the input vector
> map (Apparently, my GRASS was not built to use iconv() :-)

There is no reference to iconv in the grass configure options, so I
suspect that what Glynn means is that iconv is autodetected in the
build process. There's no autodetection of the encoding when it comes
to using d.font.

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