On Thu, 2009-01-29 at 20:11 +0100, Paolo Craveri wrote:
> Hi to all
> I have just build gdal and grass (6.5) from their respective  svn sources.
> When I start grass, I get this error:
> """
> WARNING: Digitization tool is disabled (libgdal1.5.0.so.1: cannot open
> shared object file: No such file or directory). Detailed information
> in README file.


> I have read README already.
> There are not others gdal install in the system: all packages from
> official Ubuntu repositories have been completely removed by apt.
> It seems wx can't find gdal (libgdal1.5.0.so.1 ): but I compiled gdal
> from svn source which version is >=1.6.
> I compiled following the script attached (not a true scrip, just a
> reminder and same notes about what I'm going to do! If it  works it
> will be useful). I updated my /etc/ld.so.conf and run ldconfig as
> root. I also link grass library into gdal directory and compile
> gdal-grass plugin -with-grass=${DIR_INST_GRASS} and
> --with-gdal=${DIR_INST_GDAL}/bin/gdal-config.
> What's wrong?

Ciao Paolo!

I don't remember facing this error. Are you 100% you removed libgdal
from Ubuntu repositories?
# sudo apt-get purge libgdal1-1.5.0

Also, "sudo make distclean" before re-compiling?

Maybe try to remove manually everything that "is" GDAL? Here are my
findings looking for GDAL on my machine:




in  /usr/local/include/

The "configuration" parameters I use for GRASS (under Ubuntu II 64-bit)
CFLAGS="-g -Wall" LDFLAGS="-s" ./configure \
     --enable-64bit \
     --with-libs=/usr/lib64 \
     --with-cxx \
     --with-freetype=yes \
     --with-freetype-includes="/usr/include/freetype2/" \
     --with-postgres=no \
     --with-sqlite=yes \
     --enable-largefile=yes \
     --with-tcltk-includes="/usr/include/tcl8.4/" \
     --with-freetype-includes=/usr/include/freetype2 \
     --with-opengl-libs=/usr/include/GL \
     --with-readline \
     --with-python=yes \
     --with-proj-share=/usr/local/share/proj/ \
     --with-wxwidgets \
     --with-cairo \
     --with-ffmpeg=yes --with-ffmpeg-includes="/usr/include/ffmpeg/"

Kind regards, Nikos

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