It looks like it was exported in Z,Y,X or Z,X,Y coordinates.  You will have
to tell GRASS that on input; the order or the values.  Its "normally" x,y,z

have fun.

On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 3:22 PM, Frank Aragona <>wrote:

> Mark,
> I've attached the .csv file for the data set...if you have a chance, maybe
> you could take a quick look at it.
> The map coordinates are in New Mexico State Plane West Zone NAD 83.
> I do get some strange anomolies on the interpolated surface.  Wondering
> what parameters I can feed into GRASS to clean that up.
> Thanks in advance,
> --
> Franklyn B. Aragona
> Project Director
> Agricultural Innovations
> 505-292-7110 ext. 200
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