Vincent Bain wrote:
> I would appreciate to launch grass from a terminal so that it
> starts with a given GUI, a given gisbase/location/mapset and a given
> workspace...

Martin Landa:
> > this is currently possible only from GRASS cmd, e.g.
> > 
> > g.gui workspace=my_workspace.gxw (assuming that wxpython is default GUI)

> I fear it is not possible to launch this command in the child
> process from the parent (e.g. grass64 -wxpython ... && g.gui
> workspace=my_workspace.gxw)

maybe GRASS_BATCH JOB could do it:

Also setting up an alias for the long command line in .alias is handy:
  alias spear='grass64 /home/user/grassdata/spearfish60/user1'

or a little script in ~/bin/ to setup & run the batch job.



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