
there seems to be a problem with cairo rendering:

> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='g.gisenv', wait=True, returncode=0, alive=False
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='g.proj -p', wait=True, returncode=0, alive=False
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=498, label=displaymap bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap;
> proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x8961768> >
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=499, label=rendermap bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap;
> proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x8961a28> > 
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=500, label=erase bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap;
> proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x8960c80> >     
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=501, label=pointer bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap;
> proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x895f980> >   
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=502, label=query bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap;
> proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x895fc58> >     
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=503, label=pan bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy
> of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x8960e50> >       
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=504, label=zoom_in bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap;
> proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x8960e40> >   
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=505, label=zoom_out bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap;
> proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x8963038> >  
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=506, label=zoom_back bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap;
> proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x8963008> > 
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=507, label=zoommenu bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap;
> proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x8963090> >  
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=508, label=analyze bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap;
> proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x8960e60> >   
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=509, label=overlay bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap;
> proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x8960e70> >   
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=510, label=savefile bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap;
> proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x8961b60> >  
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=511, label=printmap bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap;
> proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x8962dc0> >  
> GUI D2/3: MapFrame.__InitDisplay():                                           
> GUI D2/3: Map.ChangeMapSize(): width=760, height=545                          
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='g.region -u -g -p -c', wait=True, returncode=0,
> alive=False                                                
> GUI D3/3: Map.GetRegion(): {'rows': 12073.0, 'e': 655681.69999999995,
> 'cells': 101811609.0, 'cols': 8433.0, 'center_northing':
> 615211.34999999998, 'n': 1218877.2, 'center_easting': 234044.54999999999,
> 's': 11545.5, 'w': -187592.60000000001, 'ewres': 99.996952449999995,
> 'nsres': 100.00262569}                      
> GUI D3/3: BufferedWindow.OnSize():                                            
> GUI D2/3: Map.ChangeMapSize(): width=758, height=503                          
> GUI D3/3: BufferedWindow.OnSize():                                            
> GUI D2/3: Map.ChangeMapSize(): width=758, height=503                          
> GUI D3/3: BufferedWindow.OnSize():                                            
> GUI D2/3: Map.ChangeMapSize(): width=758, height=503                          
> GUI D3/3: BufferedWindow.OnSize():                                            
> GUI D2/3: Map.ChangeMapSize(): width=758, height=503                          
> GUI D2/3: Map.ChangeMapSize(): width=758, height=503                          
> GUI D3/3: Map.AdjustRegion(): {'rows': 503.0, 'e': 655681.69999999995,
> 'cells': 381274.0, 'cols': 758.0, 'center_northing': 615211.34999999998,
> 'n': 1218877.2, 'center_easting': 234044.54999999999, 's': 11545.5, 'w':
> -187592.60000000001, 'ewres': 1112.4990765171503, 'nsres':
> 2400.2618290258447}                   
> GUI D3/3: Map.SetRegion(): n-s resol: 2400.261829; n-s resol3:
> 18864.5578125; rows: 503; north: 1218877.2; t-b resol: 1; zone: 0; bottom:
> -0.5; rows3: 64; west: -187592.6; top: 0.5; cols: 758; cols3: 128; depths:
> 1; e-w resol: 1112.499077; proj: 99; e-w resol3: 6588.08046875; east:
> 655681.7; south: 11545.5;      
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='g.pnmcomp in= mask= opacity=
> background=255:255:255 width=758 height=503 output=/tmp/tmpxfxQ_E.ppm',
> wait=True, returncode=0, alive=False                                          
> GUI D2/3: Map.Render() force=True file=/tmp/tmpxfxQ_E.ppm                     
> GUI D3/3: Map.GetListOfLayers(): numberof=0                                   
> GUI D2/3: BufferedWindow.UpdateMap(): render=True, renderVector=True ->
> time=0.01                                                                     
> GUI D3/3: LayerTree().AddLayer(): ltype=vector                                
> GUI D3/3: Map.GetListOfLayers(): numberof=0                                   
> GUI D3/3: Layer.__init__(): type=vector, cmd='', name=None, active=1,
> opacity=1, hidden=0                                                           
> GUI D3/3: Map.AddLayer(): layer=None                                          
> GUI D3/3: LayerTree.PropertiesDialog(): ltype=vector                          
> GUI D3/3: Map.ChangeLayer(): layer=None                                       
> GUI D3/3: Layer.SetCmd(): cmd=''                                              
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='v.category input= option=report', wait=True,
> returncode=1, alive=False                                                     
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='v.category input= option=report', wait=True,
> returncode=1, alive=False                                                     
> GUI D3/3: Map.GetListOfLayers(): numberof=1                                   
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='v.db.connect -g --q map=...@kries', wait=True,
> returncode=0, alive=False                                                     
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='db.describe -c --q table=mysql.BI3 driver=mysql
> database=mysql', wait=True, returncode=0, alive=False                         
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='v.db.connect -g --q map=...@kries', wait=True,
> returncode=0, alive=False                                                     
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='db.describe -c --q table=mysql.BI3 driver=mysql
> database=mysql', wait=True, returncode=0, alive=False                         
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='v.db.connect -g --q map=...@kries', wait=True,
> returncode=0, alive=False                                                     
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='db.describe -c --q table=mysql.BI3 driver=mysql
> database=mysql', wait=True, returncode=0, alive=False                         
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='v.category input=...@kries option=report',
> wait=True, returncode=0, alive=False                                          
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='v.category input=...@kries option=report',
> wait=True, returncode=0, alive=False                                          
> GUI D3/3: Map.ChangeLayer(): layer=vector (double click to set properties)    
> GUI D3/3: Layer.SetCmd(): cmd='d.vect map=...@kries
> type=point,area,face,centroid,line,boundary'                                  
> GUI D3/3: Map.GetListOfLayers(): numberof=0                                   
> GUI D2/3: Map.ChangeMapSize(): width=758, height=503                          
> GUI D3/3: Map.AdjustRegion(): {'rows': 503.0, 'e': 655681.69999999995,
> 'cells': 381274.0, 'cols': 758.0, 'center_northing': 615211.34999999998,
> 'n': 1218877.2, 'center_easting': 234044.54999999999, 's': 11545.5, 'w':
> -187592.60000000001, 'ewres': 1112.4990765171503, 'nsres':
> 2400.2618290258447}                   
> GUI D3/3: Map.SetRegion(): n-s resol: 2400.261829; n-s resol3:
> 18864.5578125; rows: 503; north: 1218877.2; t-b resol: 1; zone: 0; bottom:
> -0.5; rows3: 64; west: -187592.6; top: 0.5; cols: 758; cols3: 128; depths:
> 1; e-w resol: 1112.499077; proj: 99; e-w resol3: 6588.08046875; east:
> 655681.7; south: 11545.5;      
> GUI D3/3: Layer.Render(): type=vector, name=...@kries                         
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='d.mon -p', wait=True, returncode=0, alive=False     
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='d.mon start=cairo', wait=True, returncode=0,
> alive=False                                                                   
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='d.vect map=...@kries
> type=point,area,face,centroid,line,boundary --q', wait=True, returncode=0,
> alive=False                        
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='d.mon stop=cairo', wait=True, returncode=0,
> alive=False                                                                   
> GUI D3/3: Map.Render() type=vector, layer=...@kries                           
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='g.pnmcomp in=/tmp/tmp6wI74I.ppm
> mask=/tmp/tmp6wI74I.pgm opacity=1.0 background=255:255:255 width=758
> height=503 output=/tmp/tmpxfxQ_E.ppm', wait=True, returncode=0,
> alive=False                                                                   
> GUI D2/3: Map.Render() force=True file=/tmp/tmpxfxQ_E.ppm                     
> GUI D3/3: Map.GetListOfLayers(): numberof=0                                   
> GUI D2/3: BufferedWindow.UpdateMap(): render=True, renderVector=True ->
> time=0.01
> GUI D3/3: Map.AlignExtentFromDisplay(): width=758, height=503,
> res=1240.691999, center=282049.786581,653615.539264
> GUI D2/3: Map.ChangeMapSize(): width=758, height=503
> GUI D3/3: Map.AdjustRegion(): {'rows': 503.0, 'e': 752272.05423897947,
> 'cells': 381274.0, 'cols': 758.0, 'center_northing': 653615.53926441364,
> 'n': 965029.23103822395, 'center_easting': 282049.78658051678, 's':
> 342201.84749060328, 'w': -188172.48107794585, 'ewres': 1240.6919990988461,
> 'nsres': 1238.2254146075957}
> GUI D3/3: Map.SetRegion(): n-s resol: 1238.225415; n-s resol3:
> 18864.5578125; rows: 503; north: 965029.231038; t-b resol: 1; zone: 0;
> bottom: -0.5; rows3: 64; west: -188172.481078; top: 0.5; cols: 758; cols3:
> 128; depths: 1; e-w resol: 1240.691999; proj: 99; e-w resol3:
> 6588.08046875; east: 752272.054239; south:342201.847491;
> GUI D3/3: Layer.Render(): type=vector, name=...@kries
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='d.mon -p', wait=True, returncode=0, alive=False
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='d.mon start=cairo', wait=True, returncode=0,
> alive=False
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='d.vect map=...@kries
> type=point,area,face,centroid,line,boundary --q', wait=True, returncode=0,
> alive=False
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='d.mon stop=cairo', wait=True, returncode=0,
> alive=False
> GUI D3/3: Map.Render() type=vector, layer=...@kries
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='g.pnmcomp in=/tmp/tmp6wI74I.ppm
> mask=/tmp/tmp6wI74I.pgm opacity=1.0 background=255:255:255 width=758
> height=503 output=/tmp/tmpxfxQ_E.ppm', wait=True, returncode=0,
> alive=False
> GUI D2/3: Map.Render() force=True file=/tmp/tmpxfxQ_E.ppm
> GUI D3/3: Map.GetListOfLayers(): numberof=0
> GUI D2/3: BufferedWindow.UpdateMap(): render=True, renderVector=True ->
> time=0
> GUI D3/3: Map.AlignExtentFromDisplay(): width=758, height=503,
> res=693.110242, center=249791.794604,607089.589298
> GUI D2/3: Map.ChangeMapSize(): width=758, height=503
> GUI D3/3: Map.AdjustRegion(): {'rows': 503.0, 'e': 512480.57633760094,
> 'cells': 381274.0, 'cols': 758.0, 'center_northing': 607089.58929820685,
> 'n': 781060.26005057408, 'center_easting': 249791.79460394682, 's':
> 433118.91854583961, 'w': -12896.987129707326, 'ewres': 693.11024204130388,
> 'nsres': 691.73228927382604}
> GUI D3/3: Map.SetRegion(): n-s resol: 691.732289; n-s resol3:
> 18864.5578125; rows: 503; north: 781060.260051; t-b resol: 1; zone: 0;
> bottom: -0.5; rows3: 64; west: -12896.9871297; top: 0.5; cols: 758; cols3:
> 128; depths: 1; e-w resol: 693.110242; proj: 99; e-w resol3:
> 6588.08046875; east: 512480.576338; south: 433118.918546;
> GUI D3/3: Layer.Render(): type=vector, name=...@kries
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='d.mon -p', wait=True, returncode=0, alive=False
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='d.mon start=cairo', wait=True, returncode=0,
> alive=False
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='d.vect map=...@kries
> type=point,area,face,centroid,line,boundary --q', wait=True, returncode=1,
> alive=False
> /usr/local/grass-6.4.0svn/etc/wxpython/gui_modules/gcmd.py:63:
> DeprecationWarning: BaseException.message has been deprecated as of Python
> 2.6
>   self.message = message
> /usr/local/grass-6.4.0svn/etc/wxpython/gui_modules/gcmd.py:70:
> DeprecationWarning: BaseException.message has been deprecated as of Python
> 2.6
>   message=self.message,

hm, don't know if that debug information is of any use.

the following log is from an attempt to start vdigit (no cairo):

>           __________  ___   __________    _______________
>          / ____/ __ \/   | / ___/ ___/   / ____/  _/ ___/
>         / / __/ /_/ / /| | \__ \\_  \   / / __ / / \__ \ 
>        / /_/ / _, _/ ___ |___/ /__/ /  / /_/ // / ___/ / 
>        \____/_/ |_/_/  |_/____/____/   \____/___//____/  
> Welcome to GRASS 6.4.0svn (2009) 
> GRASS homepage:                          http://grass.osgeo.org/
> This version running thru:               Bash Shell (/bin/bash) 
> Help is available with the command:      g.manual -i            
> See the licence terms with:              g.version -c           
> If required, restart the GUI with:       g.gui wxpython         
> When ready to quit enter:                exit                   
> GRASS 6.4.0svn (OS):~ > GUI D1/3: GMFrame.NewDisplay(): idx=0
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='g.gisenv', wait=True, returncode=0, alive=False
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='g.proj -p', wait=True, returncode=0, alive=False
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=498, label=displaymap bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap;
> proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x89603b0> >
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=499, label=rendermap bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap;
> proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x89619f8> > 
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=500, label=erase bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap;
> proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x8960e00> >     
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=501, label=pointer bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap;
> proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x8960df0> >   
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=502, label=query bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap;
> proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x8961b30> >     
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=503, label=pan bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy
> of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x8961940> >       
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=504, label=zoom_in bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap;
> proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x8961930> >   
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=505, label=zoom_out bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap;
> proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x8960e40> >  
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=506, label=zoom_back bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap;
> proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x8960e50> > 
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=507, label=zoommenu bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap;
> proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x8960d20> >  
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=508, label=analyze bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap;
> proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x8960d30> >   
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=509, label=overlay bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap;
> proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x8961c68> >   
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=510, label=savefile bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap;
> proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x8962f88> >  
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=511, label=printmap bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap;
> proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x8961aa8> >  
> GUI D2/3: MapFrame.__InitDisplay():                                           
> GUI D2/3: Map.ChangeMapSize(): width=760, height=545                          
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='g.region -u -g -p -c', wait=True, returncode=0,
> alive=False                                                
> GUI D3/3: Map.GetRegion(): {'rows': 12073.0, 'e': 655681.69999999995,
> 'cells': 101811609.0, 'cols': 8433.0, 'center_northing':
> 615211.34999999998, 'n': 1218877.2, 'center_easting': 234044.54999999999,
> 's': 11545.5, 'w': -187592.60000000001, 'ewres': 99.996952449999995,
> 'nsres': 100.00262569}                      
> GUI D3/3: BufferedWindow.OnSize():                                            
> GUI D2/3: Map.ChangeMapSize(): width=758, height=503                          
> GUI D3/3: BufferedWindow.OnSize():                                            
> GUI D2/3: Map.ChangeMapSize(): width=758, height=503                          
> GUI D3/3: BufferedWindow.OnSize():                                            
> GUI D2/3: Map.ChangeMapSize(): width=758, height=503                          
> GUI D3/3: BufferedWindow.OnSize():                                            
> GUI D2/3: Map.ChangeMapSize(): width=758, height=503                          
> GUI D2/3: Map.ChangeMapSize(): width=758, height=503                          
> GUI D3/3: Map.AdjustRegion(): {'rows': 503.0, 'e': 655681.69999999995,
> 'cells': 381274.0, 'cols': 758.0, 'center_northing': 615211.34999999998,
> 'n': 1218877.2, 'center_easting': 234044.54999999999, 's': 11545.5, 'w':
> -187592.60000000001, 'ewres': 1112.4990765171503, 'nsres':
> 2400.2618290258447}                   
> GUI D3/3: Map.SetRegion(): n-s resol: 2400.261829; n-s resol3:
> 18864.5578125; rows: 503; north: 1218877.2; t-b resol: 1; zone: 0; bottom:
> -0.5; rows3: 64; west: -187592.6; top: 0.5; cols: 758; cols3: 128; depths:
> 1; e-w resol: 1112.499077; proj: 99; e-w resol3: 6588.08046875; east:
> 655681.7; south: 11545.5;      
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='g.pnmcomp in= mask= opacity=
> background=255:255:255 width=758 height=503 output=/tmp/tmpcyqTN6.ppm',
> wait=True, returncode=0, alive=False                                          
> GUI D2/3: Map.Render() force=True file=/tmp/tmpcyqTN6.ppm                     
> GUI D3/3: Map.GetListOfLayers(): numberof=0                                   
> GUI D2/3: BufferedWindow.UpdateMap(): render=True, renderVector=True ->
> time=0.01                                                                     
> GUI D3/3: LayerTree().AddLayer(): ltype=vector                                
> GUI D3/3: Map.GetListOfLayers(): numberof=0                                   
> GUI D3/3: Layer.__init__(): type=vector, cmd='', name=None, active=1,
> opacity=1, hidden=0                                                           
> GUI D3/3: Map.AddLayer(): layer=None                                          
> GUI D3/3: LayerTree.PropertiesDialog(): ltype=vector                          
> GUI D3/3: Map.ChangeLayer(): layer=None                                       
> GUI D3/3: Layer.SetCmd(): cmd=''                                              
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='v.category input= option=report', wait=True,
> returncode=1, alive=False                                                     
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='v.category input= option=report', wait=True,
> returncode=1, alive=False                                                     
> GUI D3/3: Map.GetListOfLayers(): numberof=1                                   
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='v.db.connect -g --q map=...@kries', wait=True,
> returncode=0, alive=False                                                     
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='db.describe -c --q table=mysql.BI3 driver=mysql
> database=mysql', wait=True, returncode=0, alive=False                         
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='v.db.connect -g --q map=...@kries', wait=True,
> returncode=0, alive=False                                                     
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='db.describe -c --q table=mysql.BI3 driver=mysql
> database=mysql', wait=True, returncode=0, alive=False                         
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='v.db.connect -g --q map=...@kries', wait=True,
> returncode=0, alive=False                                                     
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='db.describe -c --q table=mysql.BI3 driver=mysql
> database=mysql', wait=True, returncode=0, alive=False                         
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='v.category input=...@kries option=report',
> wait=True, returncode=0, alive=False                                          
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='v.category input=...@kries option=report',
> wait=True, returncode=0, alive=False                                          
> GUI D3/3: Map.ChangeLayer(): layer=vector (double click to set properties)    
> GUI D3/3: Layer.SetCmd(): cmd='d.vect map=...@kries
> type=point,area,face,centroid,line,boundary'                                  
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='d.mon -l', wait=True, returncode=0, alive=False     
> GUI D3/3: Map.GetListOfLayers(): numberof=0                                   
> GUI D2/3: Map.ChangeMapSize(): width=758, height=503                          
> GUI D3/3: Map.AdjustRegion(): {'rows': 503.0, 'e': 655681.69999999995,
> 'cells': 381274.0, 'cols': 758.0, 'center_northing': 615211.34999999998,
> 'n': 1218877.2, 'center_easting': 234044.54999999999, 's': 11545.5, 'w':
> -187592.60000000001, 'ewres': 1112.4990765171503, 'nsres':
> 2400.2618290258447}                   
> GUI D3/3: Map.SetRegion(): n-s resol: 2400.261829; n-s resol3:
> 18864.5578125; rows: 503; north: 1218877.2; t-b resol: 1; zone: 0; bottom:
> -0.5; rows3: 64; west: -187592.6; top: 0.5; cols: 758; cols3: 128; depths:
> 1; e-w resol: 1112.499077; proj: 99; e-w resol3: 6588.08046875; east:
> 655681.7; south: 11545.5;      
> GUI D3/3: Layer.Render(): type=vector, name=...@kries                         
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='d.vect map=...@kries
> type=point,area,face,centroid,line,boundary --q', wait=True, returncode=0,
> alive=False                        
> GUI D3/3: Map.Render() type=vector, layer=...@kries                           
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='g.pnmcomp in=/tmp/tmpYLY0jH.ppm
> mask=/tmp/tmpYLY0jH.pgm opacity=1.0 background=255:255:255 width=758
> height=503 output=/tmp/tmpcyqTN6.ppm', wait=True, returncode=0,
> alive=False                                                                   
> GUI D2/3: Map.Render() force=True file=/tmp/tmpcyqTN6.ppm                     
> GUI D3/3: Map.GetListOfLayers(): numberof=0                                   
> GUI D2/3: BufferedWindow.UpdateMap(): render=True, renderVector=True ->
> time=0.01                                                                     
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=515, label=digAddPoint
> bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at
> 0x8acabc8> >                       
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=516, label=digAddLine bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap;
> proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x8aeb2e8> >                    
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=517, label=digAddBoundary
> bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at
> 0x8938a78> >                    
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=518, label=digAddCentroid
> bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at
> 0x8b1de78> >                    
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=519, label=digMoveVertex
> bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at
> 0x8aeb338> >                     
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=520, label=digAddVertex
> bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at
> 0x8b1de58> >                      
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=521, label=digRemoveVertex
> bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at
> 0x8b33df0> >                   
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=522, label=digSplitLine
> bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at
> 0x8b33d90> >                      
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=523, label=digEditLine
> bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at
> 0x8b33da0> >                       
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=524, label=digMoveLine
> bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at
> 0x8b33db0> >                       
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=525, label=digDeleteLine
> bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at
> 0x8b359f0> >                     
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=527, label=digDispCats
> bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at
> 0x8b35a00> >                       
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=529, label=digCopyCats
> bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at
> 0x8b117f8> >                       
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=528, label=digDispAttr
> bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at
> 0x8b35ed0> >                       
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=526, label=digAdditionalTools
> bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at
> 0x8b35ee0> >                
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=530, label=digUndo bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap;
> proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x8afe820> >                    
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=531, label=digSettings
> bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at
> 0x8afe810> >                       
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=532, label=digExit bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap;
> proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x8b1d468> >                    
> GUI D3/3: Map.GetListOfLayers(): numberof=1                                   
> GUI D3/3: BufferedWindow.OnSize():                                            
> GUI D2/3: Map.ChangeMapSize(): width=758, height=463                          
> GUI D3/3: Map.GetListOfLayers(): numberof=1                                   
> GUI D2/3: Map.ChangeMapSize(): width=758, height=463                          
> GUI D3/3: Map.AdjustRegion(): {'rows': 463.0, 'e': 655681.69999999995,
> 'cells': 350954.0, 'cols': 758.0, 'center_northing': 615211.34999999998,
> 'n': 1218877.2, 'center_easting': 234044.54999999999, 's': 11545.5, 'w':
> -187592.60000000001, 'ewres': 1112.4990765171503, 'nsres':
> 2607.6278617710582}                   
> GUI D3/3: Map.SetRegion(): n-s resol: 2607.627862; n-s resol3:
> 18864.5578125; rows: 463; north: 1218877.2; t-b resol: 1; zone: 0; bottom:
> -0.5; rows3: 64; west: -187592.6; top: 0.5; cols: 758; cols3: 128; depths:
> 1; e-w resol: 1112.499077; proj: 99; e-w resol3: 6588.08046875; east:
> 655681.7; south: 11545.5;      
> GUI D3/3: Layer.Render(): type=vector, name=...@kries                         
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='d.vect map=...@kries
> type=point,area,face,centroid,line,boundary --q', wait=True, returncode=0,
> alive=False                        
> GUI D3/3: Map.Render() type=vector, layer=...@kries                           
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='g.pnmcomp in=/tmp/tmpYLY0jH.ppm
> mask=/tmp/tmpYLY0jH.pgm opacity=1.0 background=255:255:255 width=758
> height=463 output=/tmp/tmpcyqTN6.ppm', wait=True, returncode=0,
> alive=False                                                                   
> GUI D2/3: Map.Render() force=True file=/tmp/tmpcyqTN6.ppm                     
> GUI D3/3: Map.GetListOfLayers(): numberof=0                                   
> GUI D2/3: BufferedWindow.UpdateMap(): render=True, renderVector=True ->
> time=0.02                                                                     
> GUI D3/3: BufferedWindow.OnSize():                                            
> GUI D2/3: Map.ChangeMapSize(): width=758, height=463                          
> GUI D3/3: Map.GetListOfLayers(): numberof=1                                   
> GUI D2/3: Map.ChangeMapSize(): width=758, height=463                          
> GUI D3/3: Map.AdjustRegion(): {'rows': 463.0, 'e': 655681.69999999995,
> 'cells': 350954.0, 'cols': 758.0, 'center_northing': 615211.34999999998,
> 'n': 1218877.2, 'center_easting': 234044.54999999999, 's': 11545.5, 'w':
> -187592.60000000001, 'ewres': 1112.4990765171503, 'nsres':
> 2607.6278617710582}                   
> GUI D3/3: Map.SetRegion(): n-s resol: 2607.627862; n-s resol3:
> 18864.5578125; rows: 463; north: 1218877.2; t-b resol: 1; zone: 0; bottom:
> -0.5; rows3: 64; west: -187592.6; top: 0.5; cols: 758; cols3: 128; depths:
> 1; e-w resol: 1112.499077; proj: 99; e-w resol3: 6588.08046875; east:
> 655681.7; south: 11545.5;
> GUI D3/3: Layer.Render(): type=vector, name=...@kries
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='d.vect map=...@kries
> type=point,area,face,centroid,line,boundary --q', wait=True, returncode=0,
> alive=False
> GUI D3/3: Map.Render() type=vector, layer=...@kries
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='g.pnmcomp in=/tmp/tmpYLY0jH.ppm
> mask=/tmp/tmpYLY0jH.pgm opacity=1.0 background=255:255:255 width=758
> height=463 output=/tmp/tmpcyqTN6.ppm', wait=True, returncode=0,
> alive=False
> GUI D2/3: Map.Render() force=True file=/tmp/tmpcyqTN6.ppm
> GUI D3/3: Map.GetListOfLayers(): numberof=0
> GUI D2/3: BufferedWindow.UpdateMap(): render=True, renderVector=True ->
> time=0
> GUI D2/3: Map.ChangeMapSize(): width=758, height=463
> GUI D3/3: Map.AdjustRegion(): {'rows': 463.0, 'e': 655681.69999999995,
> 'cells': 350954.0, 'cols': 758.0, 'center_northing': 615211.34999999998,
> 'n': 1218877.2, 'center_easting': 234044.54999999999, 's': 11545.5, 'w':
> -187592.60000000001, 'ewres': 1112.4990765171503, 'nsres':
> 2607.6278617710582}
> GUI D3/3: Map.SetRegion(): n-s resol: 2607.627862; n-s resol3:
> 18864.5578125; rows: 463; north: 1218877.2; t-b resol: 1; zone: 0; bottom:
> -0.5; rows3: 64; west: -187592.6; top: 0.5; cols: 758; cols3: 128; depths:
> 1; e-w resol: 1112.499077; proj: 99; e-w resol3: 6588.08046875; east:
> 655681.7; south: 11545.5;
> GUI D3/3: Layer.Render(): type=vector, name=...@kries
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='d.vect map=...@kries
> type=point,area,face,centroid,line,boundary --q', wait=True, returncode=0,
> alive=False
> GUI D3/3: Map.Render() type=vector, layer=...@kries
> GUI D3/3: Command(): cmd='g.pnmcomp in=/tmp/tmpYLY0jH.ppm
> mask=/tmp/tmpYLY0jH.pgm opacity=1.0 background=255:255:255 width=758
> height=463 output=/tmp/tmpcyqTN6.ppm', wait=True, returncode=0,
> alive=False
> GUI D2/3: Map.Render() force=True file=/tmp/tmpcyqTN6.ppm
> GUI D3/3: Map.GetListOfLayers(): numberof=0
> GUI D2/3: BufferedWindow.UpdateMap(): render=True, renderVector=True ->
> time=0.02
> GUI D3/3: Map.ChangeLayerActive(): name='b...@kries' -> active=0
> GUI D3/3: AbstractDigit.__init__(): map=None
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/local/grass-6.4.0svn/etc/wxpython/gui_modules/toolbars.py",
> line 1067, in OnSelectMap
>     self.StartEditing(self.layers[selection])
>   File "/usr/local/grass-6.4.0svn/etc/wxpython/gui_modules/toolbars.py",
> line 1099, in StartEditing
>     self.parent.digit = Digit(mapwindow=self.parent.MapWindow)
>   File "/usr/local/grass-6.4.0svn/etc/wxpython/gui_modules/vdigit.py",
> line 685, in __init__
>     VDigit.__init__(self, mapwindow)
>   File "/usr/local/grass-6.4.0svn/etc/wxpython/gui_modules/vdigit.py",
> line 223, in __init__
>     mapwindow)
>   File "/usr/local/grass-6.4.0svn/etc/wxpython/vdigit/grass6_wxvdigit.py",
> line 327, in __init__
>     this = _grass6_wxvdigit.new_Digit(*args)
> TypeError: in method 'new_Digit', argument 2 of type 'wxWindow *'

grass70 fails to draw vector map (cairo):

> Welcome to GRASS 7.0.svn (2009) 
> GRASS homepage:                          http://grass.osgeo.org/
> This version running through:            Bash Shell (/bin/bash) 
> Help is available with the command:      g.manual -i            
> See the licence terms with:              g.version -c           
> If required, restart the GUI with:       g.gui wxpython         
> When ready to quit enter:                exit                   
> GRASS 7.0.svn (OS):~ > GUI D1/3: GMFrame.NewDisplay(): idx=0
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=501, label=displaymap bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap;
> proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x895e308> >
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=502, label=rendermap bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap;
> proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x895e098> > 
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=503, label=erase bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap;
> proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x895e218> >     
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=504, label=pointer bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap;
> proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x895e208> >   
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=505, label=query bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap;
> proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x8960a40> >     
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=506, label=pan bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap; proxy
> of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x8960ac0> >       
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=507, label=zoom_in bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap;
> proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x8960ab0> >   
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=508, label=zoom_out bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap;
> proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x895e3d8> >  
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=509, label=zoom_back bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap;
> proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x895e3e8> > 
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=510, label=zoommenu bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap;
> proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x895edf0> >  
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=511, label=analyze bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap;
> proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x8960ad0> >   
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=512, label=overlay bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap;
> proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x895ed10> >   
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=513, label=savefile bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap;
> proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x895ed50> >  
> GUI D3/3: CreateTool(): tool=514, label=printmap bitmap=<wx._gdi.Bitmap;
> proxy of <Swig Object of type 'wxBitmap *' at 0x8960878> >  
> GUI D2/3: MapFrame.__InitDisplay():                                           
> GUI D2/3: Map.ChangeMapSize(): width=760, height=545                          
> GUI D3/3: Map.GetRegion(): {'rows': 12073.0, 'e': 655681.69999999995,
> 'cells': 101811609.0, 'cols': 8433.0, 'center_northing':
> 615211.34999999998, 'n': 1218877.2, 'center_easting': 234044.54999999999,
> 's': 11545.5, 'w': -187592.60000000001, 'ewres': 99.996952449999995,
> 'nsres': 100.00262569}                      
> GUI D3/3: BufferedWindow.OnSize():                                            
> GUI D2/3: Map.ChangeMapSize(): width=758, height=503                          
> GUI D3/3: BufferedWindow.OnSize():                                            
> GUI D2/3: Map.ChangeMapSize(): width=758, height=503                          
> GUI D3/3: BufferedWindow.OnSize():                                            
> GUI D2/3: Map.ChangeMapSize(): width=758, height=503                          
> GUI D3/3: BufferedWindow.OnSize():                                            
> GUI D2/3: Map.ChangeMapSize(): width=758, height=503                          
> Traceback (most recent call last):                                            
>   File
> "/usr/local/grass-7.0.svn/etc/wxpython/gui_modules/mapdisp_window.py",
> line 442, in OnPaint                                                          
>     self.pdc.DrawToDCClipped(dc, rgn)                                         
>   File "/usr/local/grass-7.0.svn/etc/wxpython/vdigit/grass7_wxvdigit.py",
> line 386, in DrawToDCClipped                                                  
>     def DrawToDCClipped(self, *args): return
> _grass7_wxvdigit.PseudoDC_DrawToDCClipped(self, *args)                        
> NotImplementedError: Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function
> 'PseudoDC_DrawToDCClipped'.                                                   
>   Possible C/C++ prototypes are:                                              
>     DrawToDCClipped(gwxPseudoDC *,wxBufferedPaintDC *,wxRect const &)         
>     DrawToDCClipped(gwxPseudoDC *,wxGCDC *,wxRect const &)                    
> GUI D2/3: Map.ChangeMapSize(): width=758, height=503
> GUI D3/3: Map.AdjustRegion(): {'rows': 503.0, 'e': 655681.69999999995,
> 'cells': 381274.0, 'cols': 758.0, 'center_northing': 615211.34999999998,
> 'n': 1218877.2, 'center_easting': 234044.54999999999, 's': 11545.5, 'w':
> -187592.60000000001, 'ewres': 1112.4990765171503, 'nsres':
> 2400.2618290258447}                   
> GUI D3/3: Map.SetRegion(): n-s resol: 2400.261829; n-s resol3:
> 18864.5578125; rows: 503; north: 1218877.2; t-b resol: 1; zone: 0; bottom:
> -0.5; rows3: 64; west: -187592.6; top: 0.5; cols: 758; cols3: 128; depths:
> 1; e-w resol: 1112.499077; proj: 99; e-w resol3: 6588.08046875; east:
> 655681.7; south: 11545.5;      
> GUI D2/3: Map.Render() force=True file=/tmp/tmpLHU69C.ppm                     
> Traceback (most recent call last):                                            
>   File
> "/usr/local/grass-7.0.svn/etc/wxpython/gui_modules/mapdisp_window.py",
> line 534, in OnIdle                                                           
>     self.UpdateMap(render=True)                                               
>   File
> "/usr/local/grass-7.0.svn/etc/wxpython/gui_modules/mapdisp_window.py",
> line 659, in UpdateMap                                                        
>     self.Draw(self.pdc, self.img, drawid=id)                                  
>   File
> "/usr/local/grass-7.0.svn/etc/wxpython/gui_modules/mapdisp_window.py",
> line 263, in Draw                                                             
>     pdc.SetBackground(bg)                                                     
>   File "/usr/local/grass-7.0.svn/etc/wxpython/vdigit/grass7_wxvdigit.py",
> line 378, in SetBackground                                                    
>     def SetBackground(self, *args): return
> _grass7_wxvdigit.PseudoDC_SetBackground(self, *args)                          
> TypeError: in method 'PseudoDC_SetBackground', argument 2 of type 'wxBrush
> const &'                                                                      
> GUI D3/3: LayerTree().AddLayer(): ltype=vector                                
> GUI D3/3: Map.GetListOfLayers(): numberof=0                                   
> GUI D3/3: Layer.__init__(): type=vector, cmd='', name=None, active=1,
> opacity=1, hidden=0                                                           
> GUI D3/3: Map.AddLayer(): layer=None                                          
> GUI D3/3: LayerTree.PropertiesDialog(): ltype=vector                          
> GUI D3/3: Map.ChangeLayer(): layer=None                                       
> GUI D3/3: Layer.SetCmd(): cmd=''                                              
> GUI D3/3: Map.GetListOfLayers(): numberof=1                                   
> GUI D3/3: Map.ChangeLayer(): layer=vector (double click to set properties)    
> GUI D3/3: Layer.SetCmd(): cmd='d.vect map=...@kries
> type=point,area,face,centroid,line,boundary'                                  
> Traceback (most recent call last):                                            
>   File
> "/usr/local/grass-7.0.svn/etc/wxpython/gui_modules/mapdisp_window.py",
> line 442, in OnPaint                                                          
>     self.pdc.DrawToDCClipped(dc, rgn)                                         
>   File "/usr/local/grass-7.0.svn/etc/wxpython/vdigit/grass7_wxvdigit.py",
> line 386, in DrawToDCClipped                                                  
>     def DrawToDCClipped(self, *args): return
> _grass7_wxvdigit.PseudoDC_DrawToDCClipped(self, *args)                        
> NotImplementedError: Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function
> 'PseudoDC_DrawToDCClipped'.                                                   
>   Possible C/C++ prototypes are:                                              
>     DrawToDCClipped(gwxPseudoDC *,wxBufferedPaintDC *,wxRect const &)         
>     DrawToDCClipped(gwxPseudoDC *,wxGCDC *,wxRect const &)                    
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File
> "/usr/local/grass-7.0.svn/etc/wxpython/gui_modules/mapdisp_window.py",
> line 442, in OnPaint
>     self.pdc.DrawToDCClipped(dc, rgn)                                         
>   File "/usr/local/grass-7.0.svn/etc/wxpython/vdigit/grass7_wxvdigit.py",
> line 386, in DrawToDCClipped
>     def DrawToDCClipped(self, *args): return
> _grass7_wxvdigit.PseudoDC_DrawToDCClipped(self, *args)
> NotImplementedError: Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function
> 'PseudoDC_DrawToDCClipped'.
>   Possible C/C++ prototypes are:
>     DrawToDCClipped(gwxPseudoDC *,wxBufferedPaintDC *,wxRect const &)
>     DrawToDCClipped(gwxPseudoDC *,wxGCDC *,wxRect const &)
> GUI D3/3: Map.GetListOfLayers(): numberof=0
> GUI D2/3: Map.ChangeMapSize(): width=758, height=503
> GUI D3/3: Map.AdjustRegion(): {'rows': 503.0, 'e': 655681.69999999995,
> 'cells': 381274.0, 'cols': 758.0, 'center_northing': 615211.34999999998,
> 'n': 1218877.2, 'center_easting': 234044.54999999999, 's': 11545.5, 'w':
> -187592.60000000001, 'ewres': 1112.4990765171503, 'nsres':
> 2400.2618290258447}
> GUI D3/3: Map.SetRegion(): n-s resol: 2400.261829; n-s resol3:
> 18864.5578125; rows: 503; north: 1218877.2; t-b resol: 1; zone: 0; bottom:
> -0.5; rows3: 64; west: -187592.6; top: 0.5; cols: 758; cols3: 128; depths:
> 1; e-w resol: 1112.499077; proj: 99; e-w resol3: 6588.08046875; east:
> 655681.7; south: 11545.5;
> GUI D3/3: Layer.Render(): type=vector, name=...@kries
> GUI D3/3: Map.Render() type=vector, layer=...@kries
> GUI D2/3: Map.Render() force=True file=/tmp/tmpLHU69C.ppm
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/local/grass-7.0.svn/etc/wxpython/gui_modules/mapdisp.py",
> line 560, in OnRender
>     self.MapWindow.UpdateMap(render=True)
>   File
> "/usr/local/grass-7.0.svn/etc/wxpython/gui_modules/mapdisp_window.py",
> line 659, in UpdateMap
>     self.Draw(self.pdc, self.img, drawid=id)
>   File
> "/usr/local/grass-7.0.svn/etc/wxpython/gui_modules/mapdisp_window.py",
> line 263, in Draw
>     pdc.SetBackground(bg)
>   File "/usr/local/grass-7.0.svn/etc/wxpython/vdigit/grass7_wxvdigit.py",
> line 378, in SetBackground
>     def SetBackground(self, *args): return
> _grass7_wxvdigit.PseudoDC_SetBackground(self, *args)
> TypeError: in method 'PseudoDC_SetBackground', argument 2 of type 'wxBrush
> const &'
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File
> "/usr/local/grass-7.0.svn/etc/wxpython/gui_modules/mapdisp_window.py",
> line 442, in OnPaint
>     self.pdc.DrawToDCClipped(dc, rgn)
>   File "/usr/local/grass-7.0.svn/etc/wxpython/vdigit/grass7_wxvdigit.py",
> line 386, in DrawToDCClipped
>     def DrawToDCClipped(self, *args): return
> _grass7_wxvdigit.PseudoDC_DrawToDCClipped(self, *args)
> NotImplementedError: Wrong number of arguments for overloaded function
> 'PseudoDC_DrawToDCClipped'.
>   Possible C/C++ prototypes are:
>     DrawToDCClipped(gwxPseudoDC *,wxBufferedPaintDC *,wxRect const &)
>     DrawToDCClipped(gwxPseudoDC *,wxGCDC *,wxRect const &)

thanks for your help,
do you need more info?

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