Hi all,

i have a problem using Grass 6.5 with a raster elevation map running the command 'r.terraflow'.
I need to obtain the flow accumulation with MFD.
The error is the following:

'cell file dem resolution differs from current region'.

I ran the command 'g.region -ap rast=dem' and this is the result:

projection: 1 (UTM)
zone:       33
datum:      wgs84
ellipsoid:  wgs84
north:      6651087.53951495
south:      6541497.53951495
west:       500200.31922317
east:       649510.31922317
nsres:      10
ewres:      10
rows:       10959
cols:       14931
cells:      163628829

with 'r.info' the result is:

Type of Map:  raster               Number of Categories: 255             |
| Data Type: FCELL | | Rows: 10959 | | Columns: 14931 | | Total Cells: 163628829 | | Projection: UTM (zone 33) | | N: 6651087.53951495 S: 6541497.53951495 Res: 10 | | E: 649510.31922317 W: 500200.31922317 Res: 10 | | Range of data: min = 3.000000 max = 402.930878 | | | | Data Description: | | generated by r.in.gdal | |
Please can you help me? Any idea about what's wrong?
Sorry if my question is trivial.


Ing. Margherita Di Leo
Ph.D. Student Methods and Technologies for Environmental Monitoring
Department of Environmental Engineering and Physics (DIFA)

University of Basilicata Campus Macchia Romana 85100 - Potenza Italy

Office: +39-0971205363
Fax: +39-0971205160
E-mail: dileomargher...@gmail.com
Skype: dileomargherita
URL: http://www.difa.unibas.it/A_Manager_PP.do?azione=visualizzaHomePage&id=106

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