Hi Ivan,

On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 1:43 PM, ivan marchesini <marches...@unipg.it> wrote:
> Dear grass users..
> I'm working with grass6 devel.
> Trying to use v.vol.rst with option "cellout" I have obtained a strange
> result:
> The "elev" 3D map is correctly created (I have seen it by means of nviz)
> but the cellout map is created as a small map (like a miniature of the
> map that I would expect) that is placed at the up-left corner of the
> region.. (I'm using monitors and I haven't MASK in my mapset). The
> remaining part of the cellout map has only values = 0.

this is strange - I am using v.vol.rst regularly and do not observe
such a problem.
What was the command line?

> I think I can obtain the same thing using r3.cross.rast starting from
> the "elev" map created from v.vol.rst, but: could the problem I have
> found be a little bug? or it is a problem o f zmult or wmult (but the
> resolution is the same along the x,y,z directions...)

please tell us how you launched it (preferably a North Carolina
example to be able to replicate it)

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