Did you import with the "create 3d vector" checked? I haven't used the v.in.dxf recently, but importing Microstation .dgn files, I'm always forgetting to check that box.


Nick Cahill

On Apr 18, 2009, at 2:08 PM, Vincent Bain wrote:

Hi list,

I need to import a dxf file containing 3d contourlines. I was convinced
v.in.dxf was able to do that, unfortunately, it seems it does not. My
contour lines are imported flat, ie with elevation set to 0... and no
specific field provided with altitude.

Reading the man page I see one can import 3d faces, but nothing about 3d

Has anybody else dealt with this situation ? would there be an
alternative such as multiple formats transformations with tools like
Meshlab, Paraview, blender...?

Thank you,


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