Hi and thank you for the quick reply.

It still doesn't work. I tried r.proj with my destination location being the one I've been working with and I tried it with a new location with a lat/lon wgs84 projection. Both times, "r.proj has stopped working." (I tried with both elevation.dem and density). I also tried. v.proj with "streams" and that worked fine.

(Tue Jun 16 11:09:28 2009) r.proj in=elevation.dem location=spearfish60 mapset=PERMANENT out=elevation.dem
(Tue Jun 16 11:09:31 2009) Command finished (3 sec)

Any ideas on what's wrong???

Richard Feldman

Hamish wrote:
Richard wrote:
I am trying to project a raster with r.proj. Although it
seemed to work fine the other day, today  it's not
working. The function stops and in Windows Vista the message
"r.proj has stopped working" pops up. I know there may be
size limitations but I'm trying to project a raster that's
only 7000KB. Has anyone else experienced this (GRASS 6-SVN,
Windows Vista)? Is there some other way I can import this
raster and have it project properly? Should I try
re-installing GRASS?

Hi, can you reproduce this with one of the standard datasets? (spearfish
or NC) e.g. when pulling a raster map from them into lat/lon wgs84.


Richard Feldman, PhD Candidate
Dept. of Biological Sciences, McGill University
W3/5 Stewart Biology Building
1205 Docteur Penfield
Montreal, QC H3A 1B1
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