Running Grass-6.4.0RC5, using the v.distance -a option (all features), the creation of an output table shows a bug. If I try to use two output columns, v.distance is only picking up one column name.

Example in Spearfish:
v.distance from=archsites to=bugsites -a upload=dist,to_attr column=distant,to_cat to_column=cat fine to output results to screen. Add the table option:

v.distance from=archsites to=bugsites -a upload=dist,to_attr column=distant,to_cat to_column=cat table=distance_report

...brings the following error:

DBMI-DBF driver error:
Column 'distance' already exists (duplicate name)
Cannot create table.

Error in db_execute_immediate()

Unable to create table: 'create table distance_report (from_cat integer,
distance double precision, distance double precision )'

The same error occurs using the MySQL and Sqlite drivers.

For now, I'll pipeline the screen output to a text file.

Richard C
grass-user mailing list

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