> > > Allocating memory and reading input map...
> > > ERROR: Error writing segment file
> ....
> > --%<---
> > Allocating memory and reading input map...
> > 100%
> > Projecting...
> > WARNING: map [ASTGTM_N41E025_dem] - unable to write row 0
> > ERROR: Failed writing raster map <ASTGTM_N41E025_dem>
> > row 0
> > --%<---

> I don't know the cause of your problem, but just to point out
> the new 'r.proj memory=' option if you had not noticed it yet.
> Maybe that could give some clues. How big is the region?

Yes, the region is eXtremely BIG (greek raster grid at 30m == 51 aster
gdem tiles):

  rows:       25848
  cols:       30204
  cells:      780712992

> e2fsck?

I though linux is taking care of that :-)

> filesystem permissions problems?

I am convinced that it's not a permission(s) problem since the
one-tile-at-a-time re-projection worked (read last post in "my"
monologue-thread. It failed with a very high resolution and other apps
running at the same time.

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