On Thu, 23 Jul 2009, S M wrote:

I recently installed winGRASS 6.4.0RC5 (1st time user) and on first start up
of winGRASS to explore an Australian MID/MIF data set, I also could not use
GDA 1994.

I was reviewing the lists to subscribe to when I found the GDA 1994 message
on the grass-user list.

Here's the link to the Australian website defining GDA 1994. In addition,
the menus to the left shows history of the Australian datum.


Is there any schedule for when winGRASS will support GDA 1994?

For only exploring a dataset, it does not matter if the datum settings are correct or not. If you need to reproject the data, you can use WGS84 for the datum as it is equivalent. The recent discussion was only about having GRASS automatically recognise GDA94 when importing projection information from other formats. Just a convenience really; doesn't affect practical usage of anything.


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