Milton Cezar Ribeiro wrote:
Hi Markus,
Thanks for the tips. In fact I made a mistake, because I thought that with "-m 4096" I was setting 4GB of memory, and unfortunatelly I not payed attention on memory=4096. Anyway, I tryed with both your suggestions (with and without -m memory=4096" and still ger error:
GRASS 6.4.0svn (newLocation):c:/Users/famiglia > r.watershed.exe -m memory=4096 elevation=FabioASTGTM_S2526W049 48_dem stream=FabioASTGTM_S2526W04948_dem_rwatershed_stream_thres0100 threshold=100 --o --v
SECTION 1 beginning: Initiating Variables. 5 sections total.
ERROR: G_malloc: unable to allocate 800000 bytes at setup.c:64
Very very strange. Not even 781 KB of memory left? I don't know Vista very well, but I guess there is some sort of task manager where you can watch memory consumption. What does it say, is there still enough free memory available? Anyway, r.watershed should go into swap space (virtual memory) if there is not enough RAM free.

Can you do any other operations on the DEM and the given region, e.g. resampling or neighborhood filter or something like that?

Maybe there is a problem with your compilation of grass6.4.0.svn? Is everything compiled with msys? There were quite a few posts in the list about vista problems, maybe you find some hints there. I'm only using Linux, can't help there.


WARNING: Subprocess failed with exit code 1
WARNING: category information for
         [FabioASTGTM_S2526W04948_dem_rwatershed_stream_thres0100] in
         [PERMANENT] missing or invalid
Any other suggestions?
milton 2009/7/25 Markus Metz < <>>

    Try to run it all in memory:
    r.watershed.exe elevation=FabioASTGTM_S2526W04948_dem
    threshold=100 --o

    Should finish in a few minutes.

    Where is this 4096 coming from in the original command? Should
    that be memory=4096?
    r.watershed.exe -m memory=4096
    threshold=100 --o

    How far did it get? There are usually message like SECTION 1:,
    SECTION 2:, SECTION 3: etc.

    Markus M

    Milton Cezar Ribeiro wrote:

        Dear all,
         I am trying run a r.watershed command with one 7200x7200 DEM map.
        But after one day running, the system crash without finish the
        output generation.
        Please, see below (2 warnings before crash).
        By the way I am running grass 6.4.0 SVN (rc4?) under Msys/Vista
        on a 6Gb/64 bits machine.
         Thanks for the help,
        GRASS 6.4.0svn (newLocation):c:/Users/famiglia > g.region -p
        projection: 0 (x,y)
        zone:       0
        north:      -23.99986111
        south:      -26.00013889
        west:       -49.00013889
        east:       -46.99986111
        nsres:      0.00027778
        ewres:      0.00027778
        rows:       7201
        cols:       7201
        cells:      51854401
          GRASS 6.4.0svn > g.region rast=FabioASTGTM_S2526W04948_dem
        GRASS 6.4.0svn > r.watershed.exe -m 4096
        threshold=100 --o
         WARNING: Subprocess failed with exit code 255
        WARNING: category information for
[FabioASTGTM_S2526W04948_dem_rwatershed_stream_thres0100] in
                [PERMANENT] missing or invalid

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