Hi all.
Sorry for crossposting - I do not know whether the problem resides in
grass or in qgis.
I'm following:
All fine, but for the fact that the calculated ndvi map appears on grey
scale, and applying the ndvi color table does not change it.
/usr/lib/grass64/etc/colors/ndvi seems ok:

-1.000   5  24  82
-0.300   5  24  82
-0.180 255 255 255
 0.000 255 255 255
 0.025 206 197 180
 0.075 191 163 124
 0.125 179 174  96
 0.150 163 181  80
 0.175 144 170  60
 0.233 166 195  29
 0.266 135 183   3
 0.333 121 175   1
 0.366 101 163   0
 0.433  78 151   0
 0.466  43 132   4
 0.550   0 114   0
 0.650   0  90   1
 0.750   0  73   0
 0.850   0  56   0
 0.950   0  31   0
 1.000   0   0   0

I get these warnings:
Warning: QPainter::setPen: Painter not active
Warning: QPainter::setFont: Painter not active
Warning: QPainter::end: Painter not active, aborted
Warning: QPixmap::scaled: Pixmap is a null pixmap
Warning: Object::connect: No such signal
QgsRasterLayer::editingStarted() in
Warning: Object::connect: No such signal
QgsRasterLayer::editingStopped() in

But I do not know if they are relevant.
Any ideas on how to approach this?
All the best.
Paolo Cavallini: http://www.faunalia.it/pc

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