On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 4:44 PM, Nathan Lemoine<lemoine.nat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I copied landuse96_28m file to the user1 MAPSET (I named the copy
> "landuse"),

(note that above step isn't really needed, but ok):

> and used r.li.setup to make my config file. I named the config
> file "mov" and selected the "landuse" raster file. I set the sampling frame
> to the whole region, and set the sampling area to a moving window. I chose a
> rectangular window of 5x5 cells. The config file was the set and seemed to
> be fine. I attempted to run r.li.patchnum rast=landuse config=mov
> output=test and got the following reports:
> This is the GRASS terminal report:
> Illegal filename. Character < > not allowed.
> Illegal filename. Character < > not allowed.

I have tried:

GRASS 6.5.svn (nc_spm_08):~ > g.copy rast=landuse96_28m,landuse
Copy raster <landuse96_...@permanent> to current mapset as <landuse>
GRASS 6.5.svn (nc_spm_08):~ > g.region rast=landuse
GRASS 6.5.svn (nc_spm_08):~ > r.li.patchnum landuse96_28m conf=mov
output=test --o
r.li.worker (pid 29902) terminated
r.li.worker (pid 29909) terminated
r.li.worker (pid 29910) terminated
r.li.worker (pid 29905) terminated
r.li.worker (pid 29903) terminated
r.li.worker (pid 29908) terminated
r.li.worker (pid 29906) terminated
r.li.worker (pid 29907) terminated
r.li.worker (pid 29904) terminated
r.li.worker (pid 29911) terminated

Also 6.4:
GRASS 6.4.0svn (nc_spm_08):~ > r.li.patchnum landuse96_28m conf=mov
output=test --o
r.li.worker (pid 30035) terminated
r.li.worker (pid 30034) terminated
r.li.worker (pid 30029) terminated
r.li.worker (pid 30030) terminated
r.li.worker (pid 30033) terminated
r.li.worker (pid 30037) terminated
r.li.worker (pid 30038) terminated
r.li.worker (pid 30032) terminated
r.li.worker (pid 30036) terminated
r.li.worker (pid 30031) terminated

It works on Linux but apparently the map name gets lost in the r.li daemon
on MacOSX.

I am afraid that only debugging on Mac helps. The easiest is perhaps
to add G_debug() statements if you don't want/cannot use  a gdb debugger -
to figure out in which code area of r.li.daemon or r.li.patchnum the name

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