On Sat, 14 Nov 2009, Milton Cezar Ribeiro wrote:

I have a DEM, a drainage  and a Cover mapa, and I need to estimate - for
ANY pixel of my drainage - what is the amount of my cover classes that
"contribute" (or are upstream) of that pixel.


  Not all my data are imported and defined to the critical area so I cannot
offer direct experience. However, Single Flow Direction (SFD, D8) moves flow
into a single downslope cell and is used by r.watershed and r.terraflow.
D-infinity, or vector grid approach, is used by r.flow. Multiple Flow
Directions (MFD, what you probably want to use) partitions the flow into two
or more downslope directions and is used by r.terraflow, r.topmodel, and
r.mapcalc flow implementation in the r.mapcalc tutorial. Also check out


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