On Sat, 14 Nov 2009, M S wrote:

That sounds similar to what I had to do with a custom Albers projection
for Florida.  If I recall correctly, I was able to use the custom
parameters from the E$RI definition, and make the same custom projection
in GRASS to work with the data.


  So, it may be related to using customized parameters. OK. I can live with

  I plan on importing each theme into a different location/map set, then
creating a common one into which I will reproject/move/whatever each
individual theme. Then I should be able to remove all those directories.

  Step-by-step I make progress.

  BTW, in the late 1980's I was a Technical Program Manager for the St.
Johns River Water Management District. That's where I was first introduced
to GIS (ARC/Info running on the Prime system there).

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