be care full with QGIS layer CRS definitions. By default QGIS will
assign WGS84 as layers CRS if layer lacks CRS definition or definition
is bogus. Use ogrinfo -ro -so MyFile to check files CRS. Still IIRC
DXF doesn't contain CRS definition - You have to look into metadata
provided with Your DXF file (if You have metadata) or do Your best
guess based on DXF data location (i.e. DXF file from Latvia most
likely will contain data in LKS-92/TM CRS).
If You are interested in transforming DXF ?? to UTM, You can also try
to use ogr2ogr and then import result into GRASS for
analysis/processing. ogr2ogr provides -s_srs option where You can
specify source CRS.

Hope this helps,

2009/11/18, Raffaele Morelli <raffaele.more...@gmail.com>:
> 2009/11/11 Micha Silver <mi...@arava.co.il>
>>  Raffaele Morelli wrote:
>> Hi you all,
>> how can I transform a dxf (imported with v.in.dxf) layer in utm32
>> coordinates system? I am currently doing some trials with v.transform with
>> no success.
>>  Is the dxf in some coordinate system?
>> If yes, then make a location based on that CRS, import the dxf into that
>> location, then v.proj inot the UTM location.
>> If not, then make an X-Y based location, import the dxf there, then again
>> v.proj into your UTM location.
> I have created an XY based location but whe using v.proj grass fails
> complainig about PROJ file not found... so still stucked
> Opening the dxf (converted using dxf2shp plugin) in Qgis reports that is a
> "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"
> regards
> -raffaele
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