On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 2:28 PM, Janet Choate <jsc....@gmail.com> wrote:
> I tried using the full path (i.e. the PERMANENT mapset lives within the
> /work/projects/Willamette location), but get the 'not found' error.
> is there any other command i need to run prior to r.proj, or any additional
> options to include, or how to list the path other than the way i am?

just to check from your lat/long mapset, run g.gisenv
It should show you the location, mapset and GRASS database.

This is what you use in r.proj parameters

> the original data i imported was a dem from usgs national elevation dataset
> (ned) seamless data distribution system (sdds).  i had to export it from ned
> as a geotiff to bring it into grass.  i tried exporting the data from ned as
> an arcgrid and importing into grass with r.in.gdal, but was unable to bring
> it into grass.
> so if anyone can tell me the steps to bringing ned seamless data into grass,
> then reprojecting to utm, i would be grateful.  or at this point, just how
> to use r.proj to reproject to utm.
> thanx, janet
> On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 10:14 PM, maning sambale <emmanuel.samb...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Try to include the full path of your location
>> ([/work/projects/Willamette])
>> On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 1:47 PM, Janet Choate <jsc....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > HI,
>> > thanx for any help.  seems this should be a pretty straight forward
>> > thing to
>> > do, but am not having any success.
>> > i am trying to reproject a raster from lat/long to utm.
>> > i created a new location with a utm projection, then tried to use r.proj
>> > to
>> > reproject a raster from another location.
>> >
>> > r.proj input=dem location=/work/projects/Willamette mapset=PERMANENT
>> >
>> > however, i get the following error:
>> > Mapset [PERMANENT] in input location [/work/projects/Willamette] - not
>> > found
>> >
>> > thanx for any assistance,
>> > Janet
>> >
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>> --
>> cheers,
>> maning
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>> "Freedom is still the most radical idea of all" -N.Branden
>> wiki: http://esambale.wikispaces.com/
>> blog: http://epsg4253.wordpress.com/
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"Freedom is still the most radical idea of all" -N.Branden
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