Vincent Bain wrote:

> Glynn, with your method based on displaying grass files on the fly in a
> viewer, I guess all d.* interactive commands will fail, won't they ?

There are no interactive d.* commands in 7.0.

The 7.0 display architecture doesn't have any facility to query a
mouse. Any modules which depended upon such functionality have either
been removed entirely or have had the corresponding functionality

> Deep down I want to know how much I will have to adapt some shell
> scripts I wrote for grass6* when my users migrate to grass70.
> My feeling on this point with care for durability of the application -
> and I think grass is mostly used by people in search of customization -
> is it would be nice that be maintained these fundamentals... To my mind
> it is one of the most important benefits of open source apps. 

This isn't going to change. If you want interaction, you need to
either extend the GUI, or leverage existing functionality (e.g. by
using the digitiser to create a vector map or the georectifier to
create GCPs, then using this data as input).

> On the other hand I am not aware enough of the constraints that lead
> to drop x monitors.

The interactive features made it impractical to build a decent GUI on
top of the display commands. Additionally, the monitor-based
architecture meant that it took an excessive amount of work to
implement relatively minor improvements, as well as making debugging
difficult. Oh, and none of it worked on Windows.

Glynn Clements <>
grass-user mailing list

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