
I had to change some strings to make v.breach work on GRASS 6.4svn
revision 39873, Ubuntu/Debian 9.10.

Luís Ferreira

line 310
v.parallel input="${OUTP}_grid_addcat_bnd_patch_break_ln_2l_tmp_${UNQ}"
output="${OUTP}_segm_2l_r_tmp_${UNQ}" distance=0.00001 --o > /dev/null
line 312
v.parallel input="${OUTP}_grid_addcat_bnd_patch_break_ln_2l_tmp_${UNQ}"
output="${OUTP}_segm_2l_l_tmp_${UNQ}" distance=-0.00001 --o > /dev/null

change to

output="${OUTP}_segm_2l_r_tmp_${UNQ}" side=right distance=0.00001 --o
> /dev/null

output="${OUTP}_segm_2l_l_tmp_${UNQ}" side=left distance=0.00001 --o
> /dev/null
line 388
v.db.addcol map="${OUTP}" layer=2 'columns=x double, y double, z double,
z_breach double' > /dev/null

change to
                                v.db.addcol map="${OUTP}" layer=2
                                'columns=x double precision, y double
                                precision, z double precision, z_breach
                                double precision' > /dev/null

line 474
db.execute input=$TMP.${PROG}.sql database=$dbs driver=$drv > /dev/null
change to
                db.execute input=$TMP.${PROG}.sql database=${database}
${driver} > /dev/null


change $tbl to $table

v.clean tool=prune 

defaulting to treshold=0.0

line 464
change to
table=`v.db.connect -g "${OUTP}" | awk '{print $2}'`
database=`v.db.connect -g "${OUTP}" | awk '{print $4}'`
driver=`v.db.connect -g "${OUTP}" | awk '{print $5}'`


make explicit field separator for awk
awk -F "|"

On Wed, 2009-12-02 at 21:35 +0100, Maciej Sieczka wrote:
> Luís Ferreira pisze:
> > I want to make a hydrological corrected DEM, using for 
> > interpolation/aproximation and v.breach to introduce aditional 
> > elevation points at streams.
> > 
> > My spatial reference system is EPSG:3763 ETRS89 / Portugal TM06, 
> > (metrical).
> > 
> > As required in v.breach document: - each input vect line have a 
> > unique category in layer 1; - input lines not cross themselves; - 
> > input lines not constitute loops; - the input vector lines not stand 
> > out of the input raster DEM; - the input lines direction is from 
> > upstream to downstream.
> > 
> > After creating a DEM using I want to correct the false 
> > sinks in narrow valleys and sparse points areas. Using v.breach I 
> > have as result two output vectors for streams lines and points but 
> > without entities or attributes. I tried with both PostgreSQL and 
> > Sqlite database connections.
> > 
> > For PostgreSQL connection:
> > 
> > DBMI-Postgres driver error: Cannot select: SELECT cat,lcat,z,z_breach
> >  FROM topografia.vbreachpoints_2 ERROR:  column "z" does not exist 
> > LINE 1: SELECT cat,lcat,z,z_breach FROM topografia.vbreachpoints_2 ^
> >  Unable to open select cursor: 'SELECT cat,lcat,z,z_breach FROM 
> > topografia.vbreachpoints_2' Copy table failed Table <vbreach_2> does 
> > not exist in database <host=localhost,dbname=grass_pp_muda_pttm06> 
> > The table <vbreach_2> is now part of vector map <vbreach> and may be
> >  deleted or overwritten by GRASS modules DBMI-Postgres driver error:
> >  Cannot create index: create unique index vbreach_2_cat on vbreach_2
> > ( cat ) ERROR:  relation "vbreach_2" does not exist Cannot create
> > index DBMI-Postgres driver error: Cannot grant on table: grant select
> > on vbreach_2 to public ERROR:  relation "vbreach_2" does not exist 
> > Cannot grant privileges on table vbreach_2 Select privileges were 
> > granted on the table
> > 
> > Any ideas? If wanted I'll send the files needed for replication.
> Luís,
> Glad to see someone trying to use my stuff :).
> What GRASS version do you use? What OS? What was your command line, exactly?
> Maybe the culprit is the DB backend. I have never used the script with
> anything else than DBF. Try to switch to DBF in GRASS (db.connect). Or a
> GRASS version "too new". I think I used it only against 6.3. There
> *might* have been changes to underlying GRASS modules.
> I've written the script, and used it the last time, about 2 years ago.
> It did the job fine then. I don't have a personal interest in developing
> it at the moment. I could provide you a commercial support if you like.
> That would include testing the script against your data, in a GRASS
> setup similar to yours, and fixing the tool if necessary.
> Please contact me in priv if you are interested. I don't charge much :).
> Or, if there's a GRASS hacker willing to do it for free - please go
> ahead, anybody.
> Best,
> Maciek

Attachment: v.breach_changed
Description: application/shellscript

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