On Tue, 22 Dec 2009, Glynn Clements wrote:

You may want to check your mailman preferences:


Ensure that the "Avoid duplicate copies of messages?" option is set to


  That's interesting. I've never set that for any other mail list. Ergo, the
others must default to 'no.'

Otherwise, if someone replies to one of your posts with "reply to all"
(which was the case for Maciej's reply), mailman won't send you a copy. If
the copy which was sent directly to you then gets dropped by a spam
filter, you won't see the message at all.

  Well, if the duplicate copy block is set to 'yes,' but my address was
either the primary or in the cc field, shouldn't I get either the one To: me
or the one To: grass-us...@lists.osgeo.org?

  Anywho, I changed the default 'yes' to 'no.'

Thank you,

grass-user mailing list

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