First let me apologize if this is the wrong venue to ask these questions.  If 
it is please kindly refer me somewhere else and I will leave you in peace.

I'm a public librarian trying to bring a geographic aspect to our statistics.  
Basically trying to answer questions of where our patrons live and what they 
check out so that I can plan facilities, collections, marketing, and a whole 
variety of other data to aid in the operation of a library system.  My 
experiments so far have involved using a geocoding website to encode my patrons 
address data with longitude and latitude.  While this looks impressive in 
Google Earth they are just data points.  What i'm really interested is encoding 
this data with US Census Tract and Block data to get actual comparisons of 
circulation against the various census data products.  So my questions are:

1)  Is there a way to encode my longitude and latitude data with US Census 
Tract and Block data so that I can get counts of my patrons at those layers of 
abstraction.  Ideally I want to load these values into a MySQL database for 
querying to make some thematic maps.

2)  Based on if I can accomplish number 1 is GRASS the tool I should be 
spending my time with as opposed to Google Earth?  
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