I'm running a python script under windows/eclipse, where I try to import a shape and a raster file with v.in.ogr and r.in.gdal.

grass.run_command("r.in.gdal",'-o', input='E:\pythoninput\mnyzeron5m.asc', output='dem5m', '-o')

grass.run_command("v.in.ogr", '-o', dsn='E:\pythoninput\Mercier_ditch.shp', output='ditch2', '-o')

The problem is that I can't use the '-o' flag to override the projection check. If I put the '-o' at the end, I get the following error message:

grass.run_command("r.in.gdal", input='E:\pythoninput\mnyzeron5m.asc', output='dem5m', '-o')
SyntaxError: non-keyword arg after keyword arg

If I put the '-o' before the input it is ignored, and I get the error that the projection does not match the current location.

grass.run_command("r.in.gdal", '-o', input='E:\pythoninput\mnyzeron5m.asc', output='dem5m')

ERREUR :Projection of dataset does not appear to match current location.

       Location PROJ_INFO is:
       name: Lambert Conformal Conic
       proj: lcc
       ellps: clark80IGN
       lat_1: 46.8
       lat_0: 46.8
       lon_0: 0
       k_0: 0.99987742
       x_0: 600000
       y_0: 2200000
       towgs84: -168,-60,320,0,0,0,0
       pm: paris
       no_defs: defined

       Import dataset PROJ_INFO is:
       cellhd.proj = 0 (unreferenced/unknown)

       You can use the -o flag to r.in.gdal to override this check and use
       the location definition for the dataset.
       Consider generating a new location from the input dataset using the
       'location' parameter.

Does anybody know how I can actually override the projection check?


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