Hi Luisa,

On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 10:40 AM, Luisa Peña <luisapena1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Markus
> Is it possible to know, at this stage, what do you mean "for long"? I mean,
> for how long will 6.4 version will be supported and when will 7 be
> realeased?

it is open source - as long as we are interested :)
I submitted yesterday some compilation fixes to 6.3. Some months ago
even something
for 5.5... Typically it works on the "complaint" basis (I guess): someone has
a problem, reports it and the developers (you and me and the community) check
what could be done. For many months nobody has asked for GRASS 5, so
apparently they migrated to GRASS 6 because of the new shiny functions.
But if a backport isn't complicated, it can be done. If it is
complicated, better
get some money ready :) Or find a volunteer. Or do it yourself and send the
changes to us for inclusion in the main version.

> And how about 6.5? Is it much difference from 6.4?

Some, it is a kind of testbed for 6.4 with no intention to ever
release it (since
we concentrate on 7). So I would use 6.4 and report is there are problems.

BTW: we are also pleased to get positive feedback - best published somewhere
as success story!


> Luisa
> 2010/1/27 Markus Neteler <nete...@osgeo.org>
>> On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 6:18 PM, Luisa Peña <luisapena1...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > Greetings
>> > I've been browsing around GRASS website and GRASS wikis and I pretend to
>> > start working on GRASS in a LINUX system. Besides normal GRASS
>> > operations I
>> > also want to develop a few modules/scripts that I will probably need.
>> > What I want to know is from which version should I start? 6.4, 6.5 or 7?
>> If you want to use the scripts in production, use 6.4. This version
>> will be supported
>> for long; things can radically change in 7 without announcement (since it
>> is
>> a development version).
>> But to be ready for GRASS 7 in future, consider to write them in Python,
>> not in Shell script.
>> Hope this helps,
>> Markus
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