Gilbert Ferrara wrote:

> I tryed to add LANG=es_ES LANGUAGE=es_ES to
> my /usr/local/grass-6.4.0svn/etc/ and I got the following at my
> terminal window:
> (process:2196): Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by C library
> (process:2196): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
> Using the fallback 'C' locale.
> What it might be?

This suggests that you don't have the necessary locale files
installed; look in /usr/share/i18n/locales. Some distributions only
support UTF-8 locales, in which case you may need to use es_ES.UTF-8.

> By the way, How can I have 2 language sets I mean 2 different launchers with
> 2 different languages?


Generally, the locale is set on a per-user basis. If you want to set
the locale for individual processes, you have to set LANG/LC_*
yourself, e.g. providing a script which sets the variables before
invoking the application.

Glynn Clements <>
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