On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 1:34 PM, Luigi Ponti <lpo...@infinito.it> wrote:
> On 28/01/2010 00:45, Markus Neteler wrote:
>> On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 8:35 PM, Luigi Ponti <lpo...@infinito.it> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Is there a length limit to a "where" sql statement fed to v.extract?
>>> I am getting an
>>> ...
>>> Error in db_open_select_cursor()
>>> ...
>>> in the middle of a very long query.
>> Could you please try to analyse with
>>  g.gisenv set=DEBUG=3
>> to identify when it gets lost? And perhaps provide an example
>> based on the Spearfish or North Carolina data sets?
> Version: WinGRASS-6.4.SVN-r40650-1 (installed in C:\GRASS-64-SVN i.e. no
> spaces in path; OS Windows 7)
> Dataset: North Caroline dataset
> Mapset: user1
> vector: census_wake2000 (this actually resides in PERMANENT)
> Working on the "Cmd >" input box of the wxGUI. I have chosen a case
> analogous to that where I encountered the error, i.e. a DBF Character field
> containing 105 different numeric codes (e.g. 050100) one per record:
> (note that you can find full debug output in a text file available at the
> following link:
> https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B0EpsfMZ-IZYOTJiYWVmNjUtNGYzMC00NDM5LWI1NDYtZTMyNzg3M2NjOThk&sort=name&layout=list&num=50
> I thought 20,000+ lines was too much for the mailing list but please advice
> if had better taken a different course of action.)
> g.gisenv set=DEBUG=3
>   (Thu Jan 28 12:12:34 2010) Command finished (0 sec)
>      (Thu Jan 28 12:12:43 2010)
>         v.extract input=census_wake2000 output=census_extract_all_trt2000
> where=

[... very long WHERE suppressed...]

> D3/3: Mapset = PERMANENT
> D1/3: Vect_open_old(): name = census_wake2000 mapset=
> PERMANENT update = 0
> D1/3: Vect_set_thresh(): thresh = 0.000000
> [...]
> D3/3: db_select_int()
> D3/3:   SQL: SELECT cat FROM census_wake2000 WHERE (TRT2000=
... first part of very long statement...
> '052601')or(TRT2000='052602')or(TRT2000='052603')or(TRT2000=
> '052701')or(TRT2000='052703')or(TRT2000='052704')or(TRT2000=
> '052705')or(TRT2000='052801')or(TRT2000='052802')or(TRT2000=
> '052803')or(TRT2000='052804')or(TRT2000='052805')or(TRT2000=
> '052900')or(TRT2000='053001')or(TRT2000='053002')or(TRT2000=
> '053101')or(TRT
> DBMI-DBF driver error:
> SQL parser error: syntax error, unexpected $end processing

This looks suspicious:

int db_select_int(dbDriver * driver, const char *tab, const char *col,
                  const char *where, int **pval)
    int type, more, alloc, count;
    int *val;
    char buf[1024];
    /* allocate */
    alloc = 1000;
    val = (int *)G_malloc(alloc * sizeof(int));

    if (where == NULL || strlen(where) == 0)
        G_snprintf(buf, 1023, "SELECT %s FROM %s", col, tab);
        G_snprintf(buf, 1023, "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s", col, tab, where);

    G_debug(3, "  SQL: %s", buf);

    db_append_string(&stmt, buf);

I guess that we need to change to dynamic string length allocation here?
The cut string is pretty close to the 1023 chars length.

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