On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 8:36 AM, Hamish <hamis...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> IIUC generally it is not a good idea to stray more than half a zone
> beyond your central UTM zone. UTM is built for use in narrow strips and
> local maps. For continental scale work it would be better to reproject
> into an all covering projection, perhaps LCC or Albers.
> I suggest that you ask the experts on the PROJ.4 mailing list for a
> commonly used projection for the entire Med, or what should go into a
> custom one.

The PVGIS people (JRC) use the projection
 Lambert azimuthal equal area
for the Mediterranean Basin, Africa and South-West Asia


Might be an option (I would also ask on the PROJ.4 mailing list, though).

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