Rich Shepard wrote:
  Following the example on the r.topidx man page I ran the two following
first, make sure the region is set properly with
g.region rast=aberDEM -p

if cells in house_catchment outside the catchment of interest are NULL, you can do

g.region zoom=house_catchment
g.region align=aberDEM

to reduce the region and thus computational time and memory requirements before running r.mapcalc and r.topidx

r.mapcalc "house_elev = if (isnull(aberDEM), aberDEM, house_catchment)"
doesn't make sense to me, and does not correspond to the example in the man page. try
r.mapcalc "house_elev = if (isnull(house_catchment), null(), aberDEM)"

you need some elevation map as input for r.topidx, house_elev will now be a masked raster elevation map, if cells in house_catchment outside the catchment of interest are NULL. if they are e.g. zero, the command would be
r.mapcalc "house_elev = if (house_catchment == 0, null(), aberDEM)"

if cells in house_catchment outside the catchment of interest are NULL, you could also
g.copy rast=house_catchment,MASK

or if cells in house_catchment outside the catchment of interest are something else than NULL, you could do
r.mapcalc "MASK = if(house_catchment == <my_mask_value>, null(), 1)"

and now run r.topidx

obviously all this only works if aberDEM covers at least some parts of the catchment of interest in house_catchment

r.topidx in=house_elev out=house_tci

  I can find no output. house_tci does not display in a monitor, running
r.stats -Anc house_tci out=house_stats
produced an empty file, and so did
r.reports house_tci

  What have I missed here that I find no output at tall?

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