Rich Shepard wrote:
  When I read the man page for the visual output map of r.watershed I see
that it's supposed to help me display results. I assume that it does this by coloring the accumulation of surface runoff with sub-basin sizes between 0
and the threshold value.
Almost right. ...with surface flow accumulation between 0 and the threshold value.

How am I to interpret this map? How does 'surface runoff accumulation with values modified for easy display' relate to minimum basin size?
All flow accumulation values larger than the threshold value are set to the threshold value.
What are the
units of surface runoff accumulation?
Number of cells draining through a given cell. Converted to squared map units by multiplying with nsres * ewres, of the flow accumulation map of course, and first setting the computational region to match the flow accumulation map with g.region -p rast=<my_flow_acc>. -p to check that everything is all right.

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