Yvan Paillé wrote:
> I try to create a buffer around a polygon with the
> following commande:
> v.buffer input=... output=.... distance=10
> This creates the buffer visible in the following picture:
> http://dl.lyon.cemagref.fr/get?k=yQnyOaVULt3QQmOSSVa
> Why is the buffer not uniform? (Regarding the upper left
> corner, one corner misses).
> http://dl.lyon.cemagref.fr/get?k=IF0oiMFkqyVC9L9SCeA
> http://dl.lyon.cemagref.fr/get?k=zCtzYAQDCXMYdz6TUoE
> http://dl.lyon.cemagref.fr/get?k=IWMhOGONCrDQevnMRck
> Other errors...
> Is this a bug in the v.buffer function, or do I try to use
> the buffer function on polygons, which is not possible?
> I'm working on WinGRASS 6.4.
> Many thanks for any help!

it's a bug. see  https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/90

usually the effect is minor but maybe it is much worse on MS Windows??
(I haven't tried)


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