Hi, thanks for the fast replay....

Daniel McInerney escribió:
Hi Leo,
these type of questions are best sent to the
grass-st...@list.osgeo.org [1] list (cc'd here),
which discusses GRASS-GIS, R & spgrass6 issues.

What does sessionInfo() give?

sesioninfo() gives....
/R version 2.9.2 (2009-08-24)


attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
other attached packages:
[1] tree_1.0-27 spgrass6_0.6-15 XML_2.6-0 rgdal_0.6-21 [5] sp_0.9-59 rkward_0.5.1
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] grid_2.9.2      lattice_0.17-25 tools_2.9.2   /

to Hamish

the "//" in the middle of the path makes me suspect that there is a$VARIABLE there which is supposed to be set but is empty for some reason.


   (does that file exist?)
The file dosn't exist...
But when I import another raster (that works), no temporary file is created at this location... so I don't understand.....

/media/COMP/grassdb//hardtke/Bisigato/cellhd/distancia_costa has GDAL driver GRASS
and has 956 rows and 786 columns

> ls /media/COMP/grassdb//hardtke/Bisigato/.tmp/rs7/
> 29.0  29.1  29.2  29.3  29.4  57.0  57.1  57.2  57.3  671.0  68.0

When I work in grass6.4 , there is no problem and everyting is imported.....

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