>> From: António M. Rodrigues <amrodrig...@fcsh.unl.pt>
>> To: grass-user@lists.osgeo.org
>> Subject: [GRASS-user] r.cost vs. costallocation (arcgis)
>> Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2010 13:21:14 +0000

>> Cost distance and costallocation (arcinfo and arcgis) output two surfaces: 
>> an accessibility and an 
>> allocation surface.
>> For verious reasons, I need both.
>> In GRASS, I had a look at r.cost, r.walk r.watershed and r.drain, trying to 
>> find a toll which could create 
>> an allocation grid based on a cost surface. From what I could see, none of 
>> these tools will do.
>> I find it hard to believe that:
>>      1. No one have had this problem before using GRASS,
>>      2. there is no solution using GRASS.
>> If someone, anyone, could point me in "any" direction, it would be greatly 
>> appreciated. Even 
>> something like: "dude, just give up, and go back to arcgis"...
>> If the solution involves programming a new tool, probably based on r.cost, 
>> is there some tutorials 
>> online dealing with programming in GRASS?

Hi António.
Could you please explain us more clearly what do you (rather, ESRI) mean by
accessibility and allocation? I would be very surprised if this could not be 
with GRASS.
All the best.
Paolo Cavallini: http://www.faunalia.it/pc
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