
I'm working on spatial modeling in population genomics and I'd like to use 
GRASS for processing & displaying of the world map (in attachment).
Unfortunately, I have been unable to accomplish two out of the three things I 
would like to do:

1. (this one I mentioned in an earlier email, but have not gotten an answer yet)
I would like to use the digitizing tool to define regions (represented by 
different numbers) on the map. However,
when I choose a layer and then click the digitizing button in GUI, the monitor 
that opens is blank. (I am able
to edit the blank map and save the shapes I draw. )

2. I would like to display several 3D points over a flat map of the world (the 
elevation of each point represents the
result of an analysis starting at the particular (x,y) coordinates). For this 
purpose, I tried converting the raster map into
a 3d raster with r.to.rast3d (worked) and then displaying it with NVIZ. Again, 
I get a blank screen, even though the map
was loaded. I can also load the 3d points, but nothing is displayed again. 
Sometimes, I get the following error:

"OpenGL Warning: No pincher, please call crStateSetCurrentPointers() in your 

I was able to display the example Spearfish data (elevation + rivers+roads), 

Can you tell me where I'm doing a mistake?

Cheers, Anna

p.s. I'm using Debian Linux on a VirtualBox in Windows 7.

Attachment: worldMap.asc.gz
Description: worldMap.asc.gz

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