
I was wondering what happened to the above command in the new releases of GRASS. I am quite sure I did use it in GRASS 5 and possibly early versions of 6 but it seems it got lost somewhere along the road. Is there any reason for this? Does anyone remember in what version of GRASS for Mac it was last present? I am in desperate need to use it to interpolate 3d points of subsoil data for comparison with v.vol.rst.

All best


Stefania Merlo
Department of Archaeology
University of Cambridge
United Kingdom

“Mi piacerebbe che il mio viaggio fosse ancora lungo e costellato di smarrimenti, si mi piacerebbe vivere per molto tempo e commettere ancora mille errori, mille sbagli, ed anche un certo numero di peccati memorabili”! (Amin Maalouf, Il periplo di Baldassarre)

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