Hi Markus
I did this:
And I got
<PROJ_INFO> not found for  <DATA>
<PROJ_UNITS> not found for  <PT_IGP>
Exporting to GDAL data type: Byte
Unable to set projection
Input raster map contains cells with NULL-value (no-data). The value -1 was
used to represent no-data values in the input map. You can specify nodata
value by nodata parameter.

It's strange. Then I decided to do g.region display and I realized that:
projection: 0 (x,y)
zone:       0
north:      23020.21492744
south:      -190249.78507256
west:       -52163.16923233
east:       177696.83076767
nsres:      30
ewres:      30
rows:       7109
cols:       7662
cells:      54469158
(Fri May 07 10:40:07 2010) Comando terminado (0 sec)

(Fri May 07 10:40:30 2010)

g.region -p

projection: 0 (x,y)
zone:       0
north:      23020.21492744
south:      -190249.78507256
west:       -52163.16923233
east:       177696.83076767
nsres:      30
ewres:      30
rows:       7109
cols:       7662
cells:      54469158

I have NO PROJECTION :( How come? I have defined my Location from a
projected Landsat image the same that I have imported. Any clues of what I
did wrong?

2010/5/7 Markus Metz <markus.metz.gisw...@googlemail.com>

> Kim Besson wrote:
> [snip]
> > 7- Now, export this raster.Since I want a Geotiff I used:
> > r.out.tiff input=train_raste...@permanent output=trainraster00a
> You must use r.out.gdal to get a GeoTIFF, r.out.tiff produces an
> ordinary tif image, not a spatial raster dataset.
> Markus M
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