
I'm new to GRASS, even newer to WMS and am trying to import some nearmap
tiles.  I have some partial success as shown below.

Could the solution be changing file extensions and running gdalwarp with
appropriate parameters? 

If so I have no idea of the next step.

I've tried changing the file extension to .tiff but the file is
unreadable by GIMP


GRASS 6.4.0RC5 (NorthernLP):~ > r.in.wms layers=Adelaide_Australia
mapserver=http://wms.nearmap.com  output=nearmap01
Calculating tiles
Requesting 4 tiles.
Downloading tiles
Downloading data
2010-05-09 17:45:23 URL:http://wms.nearmap.com/ [89012/89012] ->
"/home/..../grassdata/wms_download/nearmap01__0.geotiff" [1]
All tiles downloaded successfully
ERROR 4: `/home/....../grassdata/wms_download/nearmap01__0.geotiff' not
recognised as a supported file format.

ERROR: r.in.gdalwarp: gdalwarp failure.
ERROR: r.in.gdalwarp failed

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