
I'm running GRASS 6.4.0RC6 on Windows XP SP1.

Working my way through the book "Open Source GIS a GRASS GIS Approach"
3rd ed. by Markus Neteler and Helena Mitasova, I have noticed problems
with some d.* commands.

For example, when I type d.histogram into the GUI layer manager
command line, I get the response "Command 'd.histogram' not yet
implemented in the GUI. Try adding it as a command layer instead."

When I add the command layer, I can't see what I'm typing and I can't
find a way to adjust the display so that I can see what's going on.

d.histogram is still ok because I can view the output in the msys folder.

However, d.correlate seems to output multiple files that overwrite one another.

Is there a way around this?

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