
This may sound a very big and dense question but... I really need to figure
a few things out. I've been using only one location/mapset so I'm not use to
create, manage and define regions.

I'm doing a study for a certain region in Turkey. I'm doing this analysis
for 4 different levels (National, Regional, county, city). For each level I
will produce different indexes (simples map.calculators) using remote
sensing images. Each of the of these scales will use different images (e.g.
local will use Quickbird, national will use AVHRR) and each of them has
different spatial extent. So, each reagion has a specific spatial extent and
spatial resolution. I have an external vector that defines each one of this
scales. So for instance, NDVI at county level will have a spatial resolution
and extent different from the national since it uses different datasets.

1- Should I create 1 Location with 4 different mapsets (for each of the
considered scales)? Or should I use 1 location, one mapset and 4 different
2- How can I define a region that is not a perfect square' Because in "Set
Region" we have North, South, East and West Boundaries. And my regions are
not perfect squares.

Note. I will have only one user

Thank you for your time
Best regards

For now these are my questions
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