Jonathan Greenberg wrote:

> So assuming that we have duplicated the projection info from one
> filesystem to the next (the case I'm dealing with is running out of
> space on one filesystem, and we needed to continue work on another but
> using the same projection info) -- if I create mapset on one of the
> two filesystems, and then symlink it within the identical location on
> the other filesystem, would this work to allow me to g.copy (or,
> indeed, allow me to reference the files using @ from both
> filesystems?)


Accessing it shouldn't be a problem, although selecting the symlink as
the current mapset *might* have issues with something expecting the
mapset directory to actually be a directory. In the event that this
does happen, on Linux you can use a "bind mount" to effectively move a
directory to a different location on the file system.

Glynn Clements <>
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