
Following this topic I have tested this methodology by converting from UTM
29N to a specific local coordinate system (EPSG:3763) (available at PROJ4)
gdalwarp -t_srs "EPSG:3763" band_landsat.TIF destination.tif

With that I got a segmentation error, one TIFFReadDirectory a lot of
and the destination.tif has a different size.

Any tips of what migh be wrong?
Thank you

On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 8:42 PM, Micha Silver <mi...@arava.co.il> wrote:

> Jenny Turner wrote:
>  Greetings
>> Firman, but imagine that I have rasters in UTM for differente zones (e.g.
>> huge countries like USA, etc). How can I produce an automatic importing tool
>> that uses gdalwarp to project an image to WGS84 and import to GRASS?
> Using gdalwarp you don't have to specify the source coordinate system, *if*
> the originals have the correct projection defined in their headers. For
> Landsat images, this is most likely the case, so you should be able to get
> away with just setting the -t_srs option of gdalwarp and each tile will be
> re-projected to the WGS84 geographic CRS.
>  Thanks for your help
>> Best regards,
>> Jenny
>> On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 11:10 PM, Firman Hadi <jalmibur...@gmail.com<mailto:
>> jalmibur...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>    Hi,
>>    As far as I know you must define the source coordinate system.
>>    I think it is pretty straightforward when you are using gdalwarp.
>>    If there are so many images, maybe you can create a shell script
>>    to run the process.
>>    Cheers,
>>    >
>>    Firman Hadi
>>    Center for Remote Sensing - ITB
>>    Jl. Ganesha No. 10,
>>    Labtek IX-C, 3rd Floor
>>    Bandung - 40132
>>    Phone: +62-22-2530701
>>    Fax: +62-22-2530702
>>    Website : http://crs.itb.ac.id ; www.sigro.org <http://www.sigro.org>
>>    Blog : http://jalmiburung.wordpress.com
>>    JepratJepret: http://jalmiburung.fotografer.net
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> --
> Micha Silver
> Arava Development Co. +972-52-3665918
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