On 07/06/2010 12:27, Kim Besson wrote:
Where can I find that tab? I can't find it at TclTkDigitizer
Once you start the digitizer, there's a button "Open Settings" (with colored stripes). In the setting window you'll see a tab Background. There you click "Add command" and type in a d.rast command to show some background.

2010/6/3 Hamish <hamis...@yahoo.com>
> How can I put an image as a background? I am
> > at v.digit form and I cannot see any field regarding that

> There should be, when starting, the option to select a
> background display *command*
> http://grass.osgeo.org/grass64/manuals/html64_user/v.digit.html
> which could be set to
> d.rast map=name_of_raster

also you can do it in the settings controls once in the tool, there's a
tab for it.


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