On 06/08/2010 05:24 PM, Sandile Gumede wrote:

After running *v.rast.stats vect=catchments rast=rainfall colprefix=precip*, I ran *v.info <http://v.info> -c catchments* and I got 9 new columns: precip_min, precip_max, precip_ran, precip_mean, precip_std, precip_var, precip_cf_, precip_sum,.....,precip_per.

How do I then be able to see how much rain has fallen in each catchment(polygon), and which direction is the water flowing?
v.db.select catchments column=precip_sum

If you display the stream network over the catchments, and use the "display=shape,dir" option to d.vect then you'll see small arrows along the streams indicating direction of flow.

Kind Regards
TS Gumede
CSIR, Meraka Institute
072 258 1650

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