Back again with this issue. Thanks Helmut and Antonio for your help but so
far I haven't manage to compile GRASS using OSGEO4W. (and it seems that
neither Antonio)
Since Glynn told me that I might have some issues with newer versions I
decided to use older versions of prebuilt and MinGW packages.

1- From oSGEO4W I installed the packages listed in step5 and 6
2- Runned msys and created osgeo4W folder and the fstab
3- Edited fstab
4- DOwnloaded the following packages (Since Antonio tried with newer and it
didn't work I decided to get the ones that are linked with Wiki):
- *msysCORE-1.0.11-bin* ==>
- *bin-utils ==> *
- *gcc-core* ==>
- *gcc-g++* ==>
- *mingw32-make* ==>
-  *mingwRuntime*==>
- *mingwutils*==>
- *w32api ==> *

5- Then I unpacked them to c:\osgeo4w

6- Downloaed Make from

7- Unpacked it to c:\osgeo4w\apps\msys

8- Downloaded the following pre-built binaries:
-* Bison* ==> http://downloads.sourceforge.net/gnuwin32/bison-2.1-bin.zip
- *Bison-deps* ==>
- *Flex ==> http://downloads.sourceforge.net/gnuwin32/flex-2.5.4a-1-bin.zip*
- *gettext-bin ==>
- *gettext-lib ==>
*- libiconv ==>
- *libintl-bin ==>
- *llibintl-lib ==>
- *regex == > http://downloads.sourceforge.net/gnuwin32/regex-2.7-bin.zip*
- *bc ==>
- *readline ==>
9- Unpack it yo c:\osgeo4 I overwritted all files even if some file was
newer... Is this ok? (iconv.h and m4.exe)

10- Reboot the PC

11- Extracted latest GRASS snapshot into C:\osgeo4w\usr\src

12- Using Msys I entered in GRASS source

13- run ./mswindows/osgeo4w/package.sh &>log.log (I suppose I don't need to
change anything right? not even in Platform.make or grass.mkae)
13.1- First attempt: It stopped at
checking for location of OpenGL includes...
checking for GL/gl.h... yes
checking for GL/glu.h... yes
checking for location of OpenGL library...
checking for OpenGL library... ./configure: line 11435:  3840 Segmentation
fault      (core dumped) ( eval $ac_link ) 2>&5
configure: error: *** Unable to locate OpenGL library.

13.2- Second attempt: Without changing anything it passed over the OpenGL
and found library... (HOW can this happen? because I didn't change

Tue Jun 15 17:08:27 GMTDT 2010: STARTING cleanup
Tue Jun 15 17:08:45 GMTDT 2010: END

Ok I had erros in:

14.1- running make in r.mapcalc folder I get this error:
cannot find -lgrass_rowio
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: ***
Error 1

14.2- running make in r.mfilter
make: *** No rule to make target
needed by

14.3- Running make in r.mfilter
make: *** No rule to make target
needed by

14.4- running make in r.thin
make: *** No rule to make target
needed by

Ok So the problem now is: libgrass_rowio.dll. How can I debug this dll and
How can I create it? And what might be happening?
This was a HUGE IMPROVE :)

Thank you

2010/6/14 Luisa Peña <luisapena1...@gmail.com>

> After a few messages exchanged wirh Martin Landa (thanks Martin) I realized
> that the problem is only with libgrass_display.dll that cannot be found. Is
> the only problem. Has anyone ever had the same problem?
> 2010/6/14 Luisa Peña <luisapena1...@gmail.com>
> About our prevous conversation here goes the compilation of Wingrass with
>> OSGEO4w following a tip from Martin (not installing GRASS desktop from
>> 1- I identified the extra modles that GRASS-desktop installation requires
>> and installed only  thse (except GRASS_locale and GRASS_gdal).
>> 2- Run all thee steps from
>> http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/CompileOnWindows#CompilingandInstallinguntil
>> 3- Downloaded a Weekly snapshot from here
>> http://grass.osgeo.org/grass64/source/snapshot/  (
>> http://grass.osgeo.org/grass64/source/snapshot/grass-6.4.svn_src_snapshot_2010_06_12.tar.gz
>> )
>> 4- Unpack gz and then tar to c:\osgeo4\usr\src
>> 5- Inside C:\osgeo4w\usr\src\grass-6.4.svn_src_snapshot_2010_06_12 I
>> runned:
>> ./mswindows/osgeo4w/package.sh
>> (currently, no folder named grass is in c:/osgeo4w/apps)
>> - in my first (3) attempts I got errors in libraries that I installed in
>> step 6 of the Wiki.  I had to Reinstalled them.
>> - log  includes my log file from this process (at:
>> http://pastebin.com/UdhLyv6f)
>> - error.log is the error report. I got errors in almost all executable.
>> QUESTION1:How can I add   Python support to yes ? ( I will need Wxpython
>> and use  pythonscripts and probably pygdal)
>> It created:
>> a grass folder in /apps/
>> - folder named bin in apps/grass with 2 files: grass64 and grass64.bat
>> - a folder name grass-6.4.0svn with the following fodlerd: bin; bwidget;
>> docs; driver, etc, fonts, include; lib; locale; scripts; tools.
>> and it seems to be running but all the functions in error.log are not
>> available.
>> QUESTION2: What did I did that was wrong?
>> 6- I went to
>> C:\osgeo4w\usr\src\grass-6.4.svn_src_snapshot_2010_06_12\display and runned
>> make -C d.histogram MODULE_TOPDIR=
>> C:\osgeo4w\usr\src\grass-6.4.svn_src_snapshot_2010_06_12
>> because d.histogram is one of the functions that is not available
>> And I got:
>> make: Entering directory
>> `/c/osgeo4w/usr/src/grass-6.4.svn_src_snapshot_2010_06_12/display/d.histogram'
>>  make: *** No rule to make target
>> `/c/osgeo4w/usr/src/grass-6.4.svn_src_snapshot_2010_06_12/dist.i686-pc-mingw32/lib/libgrass_display.dll',
>> needed by
>> `/c/osgeo4w/usr/src/grass-6.4.svn_src_snapshot_2010_06_12/dist.i686-pc-mingw32/bin/d.histogram.exe'.
>>  Stop.
>> make: Leaving directory
>> `/c/osgeo4w/usr/src/grass-6.4.svn_src_snapshot_2010_06_12/display/d.histogram'
>> THank you
>> Luisa
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