
I am running 6.5 svn on Snow Leopard. I am trying to import points and
tracks from a Garmin device (connected via USB). Using GPS Babel (v 1.4.1
for Mac), I prepared several files (.txt, .gdb, and .gpi) and tried to
import these using v.in.gpsbabel (UTM wgs84 location) –k flag checked–. I am
getting this error message:

ERROR: The gpsbabel program was not found, please install it first.

As silly as it sounds, I am not sure if GPS Babel needs installing. After
the download, a disk image appeared and double clicking launched the program
(i.e., the window that retrieves data from the device and writes files). I
did not install anything because it launched and it seems to be working
(i.e., it writes files). I may be skipping some steps, so I will appreciate
any suggestions.


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