Bulent Arikan wrote:
> Hi,
> Hamish, thanks for your suggestion about fixing the GPS Babel application
> issue. It worked and now I can run the module.
> I am back with another issue, again ' v.in.gpsbabel' module! My GPS unit
> records data in UTM projection with WGS84 datum. I just attempted to import
> the waypoints into GRASS using a Garmin MapSource text (tab delimited) file.

Did you specify the corresponding format=garmin_txt?

See [1] for format details


Markus M

[1] http://www.gpsbabel.org/capabilities.html

> I did not check -k flag (do not transform from WGS84). I kept the format box
> in the Required tab in default and provided PROJ.4 parameter for UTM
> [ +proj=utm +zone=36 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs ] in the
> Proj box of the Required tab, since this module assumes lat/long projection
> with WGS84 datum.
> Here are the error messages I receive:
> Loading Waypoints from </Users/barikan2/Grmn.txt>...
> [ERROR] SERIAL: tcgetattr error: Inappropriate ioctl for
> device
> [ERROR] Cannot open serial port '/Users/barikan2/Grmn.txt'
> GARMIN:Can't init /Users/barikan2/Grmn.txt
> /Users/barikan2/Desktop/GRASS-6.5.app/Contents/MacOS/scripts
> /v.in.gpsbabel: line 263:
> /Users/barikan2/grassdata/TR_WGS84_36N/PERMANENT/.tmp
> /Bulent-Arikans-iMac.local/1470.0.xcsv: No such file or
> directory
> /Users/barikan2/Desktop/GRASS-6.5.app/Contents/MacOS/scripts
> /v.in.gpsbabel: line 263: [: : integer expression expected
> ERROR: Error loading data from gpsbabel
> I used few other Garmin file formats such as Garmin Points of Interest
> (.gpi) and Garmin MapSource (.mps) and the result does not change. I assume
> I am doing something wrong with the Projection detail!
> I will appreciate suggestions/advice.
> Thanks,
> --
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