Today I have a problem with the module r.patch,
I would assemble miss SRTM, with the command

r.patch input=srtm_35...@etienne,srtm_35...@etienne output=asrtm35
But I can not see the result, and I do not understand why ...

GRASS 6.4.0RC6 (ETRS89):~ > g.region -p
projection: 99 (Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area)
zone:       0
datum:      etrs89
ellipsoid:  grs80
north:      3554975.00151615
south:      1878425.94321901
west:       3892088.58653556
east:       4321049.06686095
nsres:      76.76155205
ewres:      76.7645813
rows:       21841
cols:       5588
cells:      122047508

Do you have any suggestion?


Etienne DELAY
Deust "Webmaster et gest. d'intranet" (IDSkype : etienne.delay.tic)
Master IUP "valorisation du patrimoine et aménagement du territoire"
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